Source code for queens.data_processor.data_processor_ensight_interface

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# Copyright (c) 2024-2025, QUEENS contributors.
# This file is part of QUEENS.
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"""Data processor module for vtk ensight boundary data."""

import re
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import vtk
from vtkmodules.util.numpy_support import vtk_to_numpy

from queens.data_processor.data_processor import DataProcessor
from queens.utils.logger_settings import log_init_args

[docs] class DataProcessorEnsightInterfaceDiscrepancy(DataProcessor): """Discrepancy measure for boundaries and shapes. *data_processor* class uses full ensight result in vtk to measure distance of surface from simulations to experiment. Attributes: time_tol (float): Time tolerance for given reference time points. visualization_bool (bool): Boolean for vtk visualization control. displacement_fields (str): String with exact field names for displacement to apply. problem_dimension (string): String to determine problems in spatial dimension. experimental_ref_data_lst (list): Experimental reference data to which the discrepancy measure is computed. """ @log_init_args def __init__( self, file_name_identifier=None, file_options_dict=None, files_to_be_deleted_regex_lst=None, ): """Initialize data_processor_ensight_interface class. Args: data_processor_name (str): Name of the data processor. file_name_identifier (str): Identifier of file name. The file prefix can contain regex expression and subdirectories. file_options_dict (dict): Dictionary with read-in options for the file: - path_to_ref_data (str): Path to experimental reference data to which the discrepancy measure is computed. - time_tol (float): time tolerance for given reference time points - visualization (bool): boolean for vtk visualization control - displacement_fields (str): String with exact field names for displacement to apply - problem_dimension (string): string to determine problems spatial dimension files_to_be_deleted_regex_lst (lst): List with paths to files that should be deleted. The paths can contain regex expressions. """ super().__init__( file_name_identifier=file_name_identifier, file_options_dict=file_options_dict, files_to_be_deleted_regex_lst=files_to_be_deleted_regex_lst, ) path_ref_data_str = file_options_dict.get("path_to_ref_data") if not path_ref_data_str: raise ValueError( "You must provide the option 'path_to_ref_data' within the 'file_options_dict' " f"in '{self.__class__.__name__}'. Abort ..." ) path_ref_data = Path(path_ref_data_str) experimental_reference_data = self.read_monitorfile(path_ref_data) time_tol = file_options_dict.get("time_tol") if not time_tol: raise ValueError( "You must provide the option 'time_tol' within the 'file_options_dict' " f"in '{self.__class__.__name__}'. Abort ..." ) visualization_bool = file_options_dict.get("visualization", False) if not isinstance(visualization_bool, bool): raise TypeError( "The option 'visualization' must be of type 'bool' " f"but you provided type {type(visualization_bool)}. Abort..." ) displacement_fields = file_options_dict.get("displacement_fields", ["displacement"]) if not isinstance(displacement_fields, list): raise TypeError( "The option 'displacement_fields' must be of type 'list' " f"but you provided type {type(displacement_fields)}. Abort..." ) problem_dimension = file_options_dict.get("problem_dimension", "2d") if not isinstance(problem_dimension, str): raise TypeError( "The option 'problem_dimension' must be of type 'str' " f"but you provided type {type(problem_dimension)}. Abort..." ) self.time_tol = time_tol self.visualization_bool = visualization_bool self.displacement_fields = displacement_fields self.problem_dimension = problem_dimension self.experimental_ref_data_lst = experimental_reference_data
[docs] @staticmethod def read_monitorfile(path_to_experimental_reference_data): """Read Monitor file. The Monitor File contains measurements from the experiments. Args: path_to_experimental_reference_data (path obj): Path to experimental reference data Returns: monfile_data (list): Data from monitor file in numbers """ with open(path_to_experimental_reference_data, encoding="utf-8") as my_file: lines = my_file.readlines() i = 0 npoints = 0 steps = 0 # lines specifying number of spatial dimensions and dimension ids npoint_lines = [] # measurements for all points in different time steps steps_lines = [] # sort lines into npoint_lines and steps_lines for line in lines: if line.startswith("#"): continue line = line.strip() if line.startswith("steps"): firstline = line steps = re.findall("^(?:steps )(.+)(?= npoints)", firstline, re.M) steps = int(steps[0]) npoints = re.findall("^(?:steps )(?:.+)?(?: npoints )(.+)", firstline, re.M) npoints = int(npoints[0]) continue if i < npoints: npoint_lines.append(line.split()) i += 1 continue if i - npoints - 1 < steps: steps_lines.append(line.split()) if npoints == 0 or steps == 0: raise ValueError( "read_monitorfile did not find useful content. Monitor format is probably wrong" ) # read numeric content from file data npoint_lines = [[int(ii) for ii in i] for i in npoint_lines] steps_lines = [[float(ii) for ii in i] for i in steps_lines] # prefill monfile_data of adequate size with zeros # monfile_data has dimensions # [number of timesteps][2][number of points][2][3dim] # it contains pairs of points on the interface and in the domain (for distance # in prescribed direction) measured in experiment monfile_data = [] for i in steps_lines: monfile_data.append( [[0.0e0], [[[0, 0, 0] for j in range(0, 2)] for k in range(0, npoints)]] ) # for all npoint_lines read according data from steps_lines to monfile_data # loop over time steps for i, steps_line in enumerate(steps_lines): k = 1 # save time value for time step monfile_data[i][0] = steps_line[0] # loop over points for ii, npoint_line in enumerate(npoint_lines): for x in range(0, 2): for iii in range(0, npoint_line[0]): monfile_data[i][1][ii][x][npoint_line[iii + 1]] = steps_line[k] k += 1 return monfile_data
[docs] def get_raw_data_from_file(self, file_path): """Read-in EnSight file using vtkGenericEnSightReader. Args: file_path (str): Actual path to the file of interest. Returns: raw_data (obj): Raw data from file. """ raw_data = vtk.vtkGenericEnSightReader() raw_data.SetCaseFileName(file_path) raw_data.ReadAllVariablesOn() raw_data.Update() return raw_data
[docs] def filter_and_manipulate_raw_data(self, raw_data): """Get deformed boundary from vtk. Create vtk representation of deformed external_geometry_obj and evaluate surface distance measurement for every given time step from the experiment. Args: raw_data (obj): Raw data from file. Returns: residual (list): Full residual from this data_processor class """ residual_distance_lst = [] points = vtk.vtkPoints() vertices = vtk.vtkCellArray() for current_step_experimental_data in self.experimental_ref_data_lst: grid = self.deformed_grid(raw_data, current_step_experimental_data[0]) geo = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() geo.SetInputData(grid) geo.Update() geometry_output = geo.GetOutput() outline_out, outline_data = self._get_dim_dependent_vtk_output(geometry_output) for measured_point_pair in current_step_experimental_data[1]: point_vector = self.stretch_vector( measured_point_pair[0], measured_point_pair[1], 10 ) intersection_points = self._get_intersection_points( outline_data, outline_out, point_vector ) distance = self.compute_distance(intersection_points, measured_point_pair) residual_distance_lst.append(distance) self._visualize_intermediate_discrepancy_measure( points, vertices, intersection_points, point_vector ) self._visualize_final_discrepancy_measure(outline_out, points, vertices) return residual_distance_lst
def _get_intersection_points(self, outline_data, outline_out, point_vector): """Get intersection points.""" counter = 0 intersection_points_lst = [] while counter < len(outline_data): numpoints = outline_data.item(counter) locpointids = outline_data[counter + 1 : counter + 1 + numpoints] locations = [] for idx in np.nditer(locpointids): x = [0, 0, 0] outline_out.GetPoint(idx, x) locations.append(x) local_points = vtk.vtkPoints() for location in locations: local_points.InsertNextPoint(location) local_element = self._get_local_element(locations) local_element.Initialize(len(locations), local_points) intersection_point = [0, 0, 0] pcoords = [0, 0, 0] # key line of the algorithm: line intersection intersectionfound = local_element.IntersectWithLine( point_vector[0], point_vector[1], 1e-12, vtk.reference(0), intersection_point, pcoords, vtk.reference(0), ) if intersectionfound: intersection_points_lst.append(intersection_point) counter += numpoints counter += 1 return intersection_points_lst def _get_local_element(self, locations): """Get the local element based on input dimension.""" if len(locations) == 2: local_element = vtk.vtkLine() elif len(locations) == 3: local_element = vtk.vtkTriangle() elif len(locations) == 4: local_element = vtk.vtkQuad() else: raise ValueError("Unknown local_element type for structure surface discretization.") return local_element def _get_dim_dependent_vtk_output(self, geoout): """Return the vtk output dependent of problem dimension.""" if self.problem_dimension == "2d": outline = vtk.vtkFeatureEdges() outline.SetInputData(geoout) outline.Update() outlineout = outline.GetOutput() outlines = outlineout.GetLines() outline_data_vtk = outlines.GetData() elif self.problem_dimension == "3d": outlineout = geoout outlines = outlineout.GetPolys() outline_data_vtk = outlines.GetData() else: raise KeyError( "The problem dimension must be either '2d' or '3d' " f"but you provided {self.problem_dimension}! Abort..." ) outline_data = vtk_to_numpy(outline_data_vtk) return outlineout, outline_data def _visualize_intermediate_discrepancy_measure( self, points, vertices, intersectionpoints, point_vector ): """Visualize intermediate discrepancy measure in vtk.""" if self.visualization_bool: for j in point_vector: x = points.InsertNextPoint(j) vertices.InsertNextCell(1) vertices.InsertCellPoint(x) for idx, j in enumerate(intersectionpoints): x = points.InsertNextPoint(j) vertices.InsertNextCell(idx + 1) vertices.InsertCellPoint(x) def _visualize_final_discrepancy_measure(self, outlineout, points, vertices): """Visualize the final discrepancy measure in vtk.""" if self.visualization_bool: colors = vtk.vtkNamedColors() renderer = vtk.vtkRenderer() ren_win = vtk.vtkRenderWindow() ren_win.AddRenderer(renderer) iren = vtk.vtkRenderWindowInteractor() iren.SetRenderWindow(ren_win) pointdata = vtk.vtkPolyData() pointdata.SetPoints(points) pointdata.SetVerts(vertices) ugrid_mapper = vtk.vtkDataSetMapper() ugrid_mapper.SetInputData(outlineout) point_mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() point_mapper.SetInputData(pointdata) point_actor = vtk.vtkActor() point_actor.SetMapper(point_mapper) point_actor.GetProperty().SetColor([0.0, 0.0, 1.0]) point_actor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(10) point_actor.GetProperty().SetRenderPointsAsSpheres(True) ugrid_actor = vtk.vtkActor() ugrid_actor.SetMapper(ugrid_mapper) ugrid_actor.GetProperty().SetColor(colors.GetColor3d("Peacock")) ugrid_actor.GetProperty().EdgeVisibilityOn() renderer.AddActor(ugrid_actor) renderer.AddActor(point_actor) renderer.SetBackground(colors.GetColor3d("Beige")) renderer.ResetCamera() renderer.GetActiveCamera().Elevation(1.0) renderer.GetActiveCamera().Azimuth(0.01) renderer.GetActiveCamera().Dolly(0) ren_win.SetSize(640, 480) # Generate viewer ren_win.Render() iren.Start()
[docs] def stretch_vector(self, vec1, vec2, scalar): """Extend a vector by scalar factor on both ends. Args: vec1 (list): root point coordinates vec2 (list): directional point coordinates scalar (float): scalar multiplier Returns: vec (list): vector from modified root to modified direction point """ vec = [[], []] for vec1_ele, vec2_ele in zip(vec1, vec2): vec[0].append(vec1_ele - scalar * (vec2_ele - vec1_ele)) vec[1].append(vec2_ele + scalar * (vec2_ele - vec1_ele)) return vec
[docs] def compute_distance(self, intersection_points, measured_points): """Find the furthest point for a set of intersection points. Args: intersection_points (list): intersection point coordinates measured_points (list): pair of points from monitor file Returns: distance (float): signed distance between root point and furthest outward intersection point; positive if in positive direction from root """ distance = np.inf np1m = np.array(measured_points[0]) np2m = np.array(measured_points[1]) for p in intersection_points: npp = np.array(p) dist = np.linalg.norm(p - np1m, ord=2) if - np1m, npp - np1m) < 0: dist *= -1 distance = min(distance, dist) return distance
[docs] def deformed_grid(self, raw_data, time): """Read deformed grid from Ensight file at specified time. Initially, the undeformed grid is read from the Ensight file Afterward, *warpbyvector* applies the displacement of *structure* field at time *time* such that the final result is the deformed grid at the specified time. Args: raw_data (obj): Raw data from file time (float): Time value for data processing Returns: deformed_grid (vtkUnstructuredGrid): Deformed grid for given time """ time_steps_in_ensight = raw_data.GetTimeSets() times_iter = time_steps_in_ensight.NewIterator() times_iter.GoToFirstItem() steps = np.array([]) while not times_iter.IsDoneWithTraversal(): curr = times_iter.GetCurrentObject() steps = np.append(steps, vtk_to_numpy(curr)) times_iter.GoToNextItem() steps = np.unique(steps) idx = np.where(abs(steps - time) < self.time_tol) ensight_time = steps[idx] if len(ensight_time) > 1: raise ValueError( "point in time from *.monitor file used with time_tol is not unique in results" ) if len(ensight_time) == 0: raise ValueError( "point in time from *.monitor file used with time_tol not existing in results" ) raw_data.SetTimeValue(ensight_time) raw_data.Update() output = raw_data.GetOutput() number_of_blocks = output.GetNumberOfBlocks() if number_of_blocks != 1: raise ValueError( "ensight reader output has more or less than one block. This is not expected." "Investigate your data!" ) block = output.GetBlock(0) block.GetPointData().SetActiveVectors(self.displacement_fields[0]) vtk_warp_vector = vtk.vtkWarpVector() vtk_warp_vector.SetScaleFactor(1.0) vtk_warp_vector.SetInputData(block) vtk_warp_vector.Update() if len(self.displacement_fields) > 1: for i, field in enumerate(self.displacement_fields): if i > 0: second_block = vtk_warp_vector.GetOutput() second_block.GetPointData().SetActiveVectors(field) wvb = vtk.vtkWarpVector() wvb.SetScaleFactor(1.0) wvb.SetInputData(second_block) wvb.Update() vtk_warp_vector = wvb deformed_grid = vtk_warp_vector.GetUnstructuredGridOutput() return deformed_grid