Source code for queens.example_simulator_functions.oakley_ohagan04

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"""Oakley O'Hagan 15D function."""

import numpy as np

[docs] def oakley_ohagan04(x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x11, x12, x13, x14, x15): r"""Oakley O'Hagan 2004 function, 15 dimensional benchmark function in [1]. :math:`f({\bf x})= {\bf a_1}^T{\bf x}+{\bf a_2}^T\sin({\bf x})+{\bf a_3}^T\cos({\bf x})+{\bf x^T M x}` The *a*-coefficients are chosen so that 5 of the input variables contribute significantly to the output variance, 5 have a much smaller effect, and the remaining 5 have almost no effect on the output variance. Values of the coefficient vectors *a1*, *a2* and *a3*, and the matrix *M*, can be found at: In [1] :math:`x_i \sim N(\mu=0, \sigma=1), \textrm{for all i = 1, ..., 15}.` Args: x1 (float): Input parameter 1 x2 (float): Input parameter 2 x3 (float): Input parameter 3 x4 (float): Input parameter 4 x5 (float): Input parameter 5 x6 (float): Input parameter 6 x7 (float): Input parameter 7 x8 (float): Input parameter 8 x9 (float): Input parameter 9 x10 (float): Input parameter 10 x11 (float): Input parameter 11 x12 (float): Input parameter 12 x13 (float): Input parameter 13 x14 (float): Input parameter 14 x15 (float): Input parameter 15 Returns: float: Value of the function at the parameters References: [1] Oakley, J. E., & O'Hagan, A. (2004). Probabilistic sensitivity analysis of complex models: a Bayesian approach. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 66(3), 751-769. """ xx = np.array( [ [x1], [x2], [x3], [x4], [x5], [x6], [x7], [x8], [x9], [x10], [x11], [x12], [x13], [x14], [x15], ] ) a1 = np.array( [ 0.0118, 0.0456, 0.2297, 0.0393, 0.1177, 0.3865, 0.3897, 0.6061, 0.6159, 0.4005, 1.0741, 1.1474, 0.7880, 1.1242, 1.1982, ] ) a2 = np.array( [ 0.4341, 0.0887, 0.0512, 0.3233, 0.1489, 1.0360, 0.9892, 0.9672, 0.8977, 0.8083, 1.8426, 2.4712, 2.3946, 2.0045, 2.2621, ] ) a3 = np.array( [ 0.1044, 0.2057, 0.0774, 0.2730, 0.1253, 0.7526, 0.8570, 1.0331, 0.8388, 0.7970, 2.2145, 2.0382, 2.4004, 2.0541, 1.9845, ] ) m = np.array( [ [ -0.022482886, -0.18501666, 0.13418263, 0.36867264, 0.17172785, 0.13651143, -0.44034404, -0.081422854, 0.71321025, -0.44361072, 0.50383394, -0.024101458, -0.045939684, 0.21666181, 0.055887417, ], [ 0.25659630, 0.053792287, 0.25800381, 0.23795905, -0.59125756, -0.081627077, -0.28749073, 0.41581639, 0.49752241, 0.083893165, -0.11056683, 0.033222351, -0.13979497, -0.031020556, -0.22318721, ], [ -0.055999811, 0.19542252, 0.095529005, -0.28626530, -0.14441303, 0.22369356, 0.14527412, 0.28998481, 0.23105010, -0.31929879, -0.29039128, -0.20956898, 0.43139047, 0.024429152, 0.044904409, ], [ 0.66448103, 0.43069872, 0.29924645, -0.16202441, -0.31479544, -0.39026802, 0.17679822, 0.057952663, 0.17230342, 0.13466011, -0.35275240, 0.25146896, -0.018810529, 0.36482392, -0.32504618, ], [ -0.12127800, 0.12463327, 0.10656519, 0.046562296, -0.21678617, 0.19492172, -0.065521126, 0.024404669, -0.096828860, 0.19366196, 0.33354757, 0.31295994, -0.083615456, -0.25342082, 0.37325717, ], [ -0.28376230, -0.32820154, -0.10496068, -0.22073452, -0.13708154, -0.14426375, -0.11503319, 0.22424151, -0.030395022, -0.51505615, 0.017254978, 0.038957118, 0.36069184, 0.30902452, 0.050030193, ], [ -0.077875893, 0.0037456560, 0.88685604, -0.26590028, -0.079325357, -0.042734919, -0.18653782, -0.35604718, -0.17497421, 0.088699956, 0.40025886, -0.055979693, 0.13724479, 0.21485613, -0.011265799, ], [ -0.092294730, 0.59209563, 0.031338285, -0.033080861, -0.24308858, -0.099798547, 0.034460195, 0.095119813, -0.33801620, 0.0063860024, -0.61207299, 0.081325416, 0.88683114, 0.14254905, 0.14776204, ], [ -0.13189434, 0.52878496, 0.12652391, 0.045113625, 0.58373514, 0.37291503, 0.11395325, -0.29479222, -0.57014085, 0.46291592, -0.094050179, 0.13959097, -0.38607402, -0.44897060, -0.14602419, ], [ 0.058107658, -0.32289338, 0.093139162, 0.072427234, -0.56919401, 0.52554237, 0.23656926, -0.011782016, 0.071820601, 0.078277291, -0.13355752, 0.22722721, 0.14369455, -0.45198935, -0.55574794, ], [ 0.66145875, 0.34633299, 0.14098019, 0.51882591, -0.28019898, -0.16032260, -0.068413337, -0.20428242, 0.069672173, 0.23112577, -0.044368579, -0.16455425, 0.21620977, 0.0042702105, -0.087399014, ], [ 0.31599556, -0.027551859, 0.13434254, 0.13497371, 0.054005680, -0.17374789, 0.17525393, 0.060258929, -0.17914162, -0.31056619, -0.25358691, 0.025847535, -0.43006001, -0.62266361, -0.033996882, ], [ -0.29038151, 0.034101270, 0.034903413, -0.12121764, 0.026030714, -0.33546274, -0.41424111, 0.053248380, -0.27099455, -0.026251302, 0.41024137, 0.26636349, 0.15582891, -0.18666254, 0.019895831, ], [ -0.24388652, -0.44098852, 0.012618825, 0.24945112, 0.071101888, 0.24623792, 0.17484502, 0.0085286769, 0.25147070, -0.14659862, -0.084625150, 0.36931333, -0.29955293, 0.11044360, -0.75690139, ], [ 0.041494323, -0.25980564, 0.46402128, -0.36112127, -0.94980789, -0.16504063, 0.0030943325, 0.052792942, 0.22523648, 0.38390366, 0.45562427, -0.18631744, 0.0082333995, 0.16670803, 0.16045688, ], ] ) term1 =, xx) term2 =, np.sin(xx)) term3 =, np.cos(xx)) term4 =, m), xx) y = term1 + term2 + term3 + term4 return y[0, 0]