
The golden rule of testing: If it is not tested, it does not work.

Therefore, we test the QUEENS code base

  • to ensure our code is working as expected

  • to check compatibility w.r.t. to new features

  • to find bugs faster

Writing tests#

Running tests#

QUEENS is tested using pytest. For a comprehensive list of pytest commands, see here. Some additional useful commands to test QUEENS are listed in the following:



In parallel with pytest-xdist

pytest -n <num_workers>

With verbose output

pytest -ra -v

With logging output

pytest -o log_cli=true --log-cli-level=INFO

With coverage report

pytest --cov-report=html --cov

Only the last failed

pytest --lf

Pytest markers#

In QUEENS, tests are organized using pytest markers. This allows you to run all tests in a group with a single command:



Unit tests

pytest -m unit_tests

Integration tests

pytest -m integration_tests

4C integration test (see below)

pytest -m integration_tests_fourc

List markers

pytest --markers

Integration tests with 4C#

For the integration tests in QUEENS that require the multiphysics simulation framework 4C, the user needs to create a symbolic link to the 4C-executable and store it under <queens-base-dir>/config:

ln -s <path-to-4C-build-directory> <queens-base-dir>/config/4C_build