queens.iterators package#
Modules for parameter studies, uncertainty quantification, sensitivity analysis, Bayesian inverse analysis, and optimization.
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty package
- Submodules
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty.estimator module
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty.predictor module
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty.sampler module
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty.statistics module
- queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty.utils_estimate_indices module
queens.iterators.adaptive_sampling_iterator module#
Adaptive sampling iterator.
- class AdaptiveSamplingIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, likelihood_model, initial_train_iterator, solving_iterator, num_new_samples, num_steps, seed=41, restart_file=None, cs_div_criterion=0.01)[source]#
Adaptive sampling iterator.
- solving_iterator#
Iterator to solve inverse problem (SequentialMonteCarloChopinIterator, MetropolisHastingsIterator and GridIterator supported)
- Type:
- num_new_samples#
Number of new training samples in each adaptive step
- Type:
- num_steps#
Number of adaptive sampling steps
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for random number generation
- Type:
int, opt
- restart_file#
Result file path for restarts
- Type:
str, opt
- cs_div_criterion#
Cauchy-Schwarz divergence stopping criterion threshold
- Type:
- x_train#
Training input samples
- Type:
- x_train_new#
Newly drawn training samples
- Type:
- y_train#
Training likelihood output samples
- Type:
- model_outputs#
Training model output samples
- Type:
- choose_new_samples(particles, weights)[source]#
Choose new training samples.
Choose new training samples from approximated posterior distribution.
- Parameters:
particles (np.ndarray) – Particles of approximated posterior
weights (np.ndarray) – Particle weights of approximated posterior
- Returns:
x_train_new (np.ndarray) – New training samples
- eval_log_likelihood()[source]#
Evaluate log likelihood.
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.ndarray) – Log likelihood
- get_particles_and_weights()[source]#
Get particles and weights of solving iterator.
- Returns:
particles (np.ndarray) – particles from approximated posterior distribution
weights (np.ndarray) – weights corresponding to particles
log_posterior (np.ndarray) – log_posterior values corresponding to particles
- write_results(particles, weights, log_posterior, iteration)[source]#
Write results to output file and calculate cs_div.
- Parameters:
particles (np.ndarray) – Particles of approximated posterior
weights (np.ndarray) – Particle weights of approximated posterior
log_posterior (np.ndarray) – Log posterior value of particles
iteration (int) – Iteration count
- Returns:
cs_div (float) – Maximum Cauchy-Schwarz divergence between marginals of the current and previous step
- cauchy_schwarz_divergence(samples_1, samples_2)[source]#
Maximum Cauchy-Schwarz divergence between marginals of two sample sets.
- Parameters:
samples_1 (np.ndarray) – Sample set 1
samples_2 (np.ndarray) – Sample set 2
- Returns:
cs_div_max (np.ndarray) – Maximum Cauchy-Schwarz divergence between marginals of two sample sets.
queens.iterators.black_box_variational_bayes module#
Black box variational inference iterator.
- class BBVIIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, variational_distribution, n_samples_per_iter, random_seed, max_feval, control_variates_scaling_type, loo_control_variates_scaling, stochastic_optimizer, variational_transformation=None, variational_parameter_initialization=None, memory=0, natural_gradient=True, FIM_dampening=True, decay_start_iteration=50, dampening_coefficient=0.01, FIM_dampening_lower_bound=1e-08, model_eval_iteration_period=1000, resample=False, verbose_every_n_iter=10)[source]#
Black box variational inference (BBVI) iterator.
For Bayesian inverse problems. BBVI does not require model gradients and can hence be used with any simulation model and without the need for adjoint implementations. The algorithm is based on [1]. The expectations for the gradient computations are computed using an importance sampling approach where the IS-distribution is constructed as a mixture of the variational distribution from previous iterations (similar as in [2]).
Keep in mind: This algorithm requires the logpdf of the variational distribution to be differentiable w.r.t. the variational parameters. This is not the case for certain distributions, e.g. uniform distribution, and can therefore not be used in combination with this algorithm (see [3] page 13)!
- [1]: Ranganath, Rajesh, Sean Gerrish, and David M. Blei. “Black Box Variational Inference.”
Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. 2014.
- [2]: Arenz, Neumann & Zhong. “Efficient Gradient-Free Variational Inference using Policy
Search.” Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Machine Learning (2018) in PMLR 80:234-243
- [3]: Mohamed et al. “Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation in Machine Learning”. Journal of
Machine Learning Research. 21(132):1−62, 2020.
- control_variates_scaling_type#
Flag to decide how to compute control variate scaling.
- Type:
- loo_cv_bool#
True if leave-one-out procedure is used for the control variate scaling estimations. Is quite slow!
- Type:
- random_seed#
Seed for the random number generators.
- Type:
- max_feval#
Maximum number of simulation runs for this analysis.
- Type:
- memory#
Number of previous iterations that should be included in the MC ELBO gradient estimations. For memory=0 the algorithm reduces to standard the standard BBVI algorithm. (Better variable name is welcome.)
- Type:
- model_eval_iteration_period#
If the iteration number is a multiple of this number, the probabilistic model is sampled independent of the other conditions.
- Type:
- resample#
True is resampling should be used.
- Type:
- log_variational_mat#
Logpdf evaluations of the variational distribution.
- Type:
- grad_params_log_variational_mat#
Column-wise grad params logpdf (score function) of the variational distribution.
- Type:
- log_posterior_unnormalized#
Row-vector logarithmic probabilistic model evaluation (generally unnormalized).
- Type:
- samples_list#
List of samples from previous iterations for the ISMC gradient.
- Type:
- parameter_list#
List of parameters from previous iterations for the ISMC gradient.
- Type:
- log_posterior_unnormalized_list#
List of probabilistic model evaluations from previous iterations for the ISMC gradient.
- Type:
- ess#
Effective sample size of the current iteration (in case IS is used).
- Type:
- sampling_bool#
True if probabilistic model has to be sampled. If importance sampling is used the forward model might not evaluated in every iteration.
- Type:
- sample_set#
Set of samples used to evaluate the probabilistic model is not needed in other VI methods.
- Type:
- eval_log_likelihood(samples)[source]#
Calculate the log-likelihood of the observation data.
Evaluation of the likelihood model for all inputs of the sample batch will trigger the actual forward simulation.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples (n_samples x n_dimension)
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – Vector of the log-likelihood function for all input
samples of the current batch
- get_importance_sampling_weights(variational_params_list, samples)[source]#
Get the importance sampling weights for the MC gradient estimation.
Uses a special computation of the weights using the logpdfs to reduce numerical issues:
\(w=\frac{q_i}{\sum_{j=0}^{memory+1} \frac{1}{memory+1}q_j}=\frac{memory+1} {\sum_{j=0}^{memory+1}exp(ln(q_j)-ln(q_i))}\)
and is therefore slightly slower. Assumes the mixture coefficients are all equal.
- Parameters:
variational_params_list (list) – Variational parameters list of the current and the desired previous iterations
samples (np.array) – Samples (n_samples x n_dimension)
- Returns:
weights (np.array) – (Unnormalized) weights for the ISMC evaluated for the
given samples (1 x n_samples)
- get_log_posterior_unnormalized(samples)[source]#
Calculate the unnormalized log posterior for a sample batch.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples (n_samples x n_dimension)
- Returns:
unnormalized_log_posterior (np.array) – Values of unnormalized log posterior
distribution at positions of sample batch
- get_log_prior(samples)[source]#
Evaluate the log prior of the model for a sample batch.
The samples are transformed according to the selected transformation.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples (n_samples x n_dimension)
- Returns:
log_prior (np.array) – log-prior vector evaluated for current sample batch
queens.iterators.bmfia_iterator module#
Iterator for Bayesian multi-fidelity inverse analysis.
- class BMFIAIterator(parameters, global_settings, features_config, hf_model, lf_model, initial_design, X_cols=None, num_features=None, coord_cols=None)[source]#
Bayesian multi-fidelity inverse analysis iterator.
Iterator for Bayesian multi-fidelity inverse analysis. Here, we build the multi-fidelity probabilistic surrogate, determine optimal training points X_train and evaluate the low- and high-fidelity model for these training inputs, to yield Y_LF_train and Y_HF_train training data. The actual inverse problem is not solved or iterated in this module but instead we iterate over the training data to approximate the probabilistic mapping p(yhf|ylf).
- X_train#
Input training matrix for HF and LF model.
- Type:
- Y_LF_train#
Corresponding LF model response to X_train input.
- Type:
- Y_HF_train#
Corresponding HF model response to X_train input.
- Type:
- Z_train#
Corresponding LF informative features to X_train input.
- Type:
- features_config#
Type of feature selection method.
- Type:
- hf_model#
High-fidelity model object.
- Type:
- lf_model#
Low-fidelity model object.
- Type:
- coords_experimental_data#
Coordinates of the experimental data.
- Type:
- time_vec#
Time vector of experimental observations.
- Type:
- y_obs_vec#
Output data of experimental observations.
- Type:
- x_cols#
List of columns for features taken from input variables.
- Type:
- num_features#
Number of features to be selected.
- Type:
- coord_cols#
List of columns for coordinates taken from input variables.
- Type:
- Returns:
BMFIAIterator (obj) – Instance of the BMFIAIterator
- classmethod calculate_initial_x_train(initial_design_dict, parameters)[source]#
Optimal training data set for probabilistic model.
Based on the selected design method, determine the optimal set of input points X_train to run the HF and the LF model on for the construction of the probabilistic surrogate.
- Parameters:
initial_design_dict (dict) – Dictionary with description of initial design.
model (obj) – A model object on which the calculation is performed (only needed for interfaces here. The model is not evaluated here)
parameters (obj) – Parameters object
- Returns:
x_train (np.array) – Optimal training input samples
- core_run()[source]#
Trigger main or core run of the BMFIA iterator.
It summarizes the actual evaluation of the HF and LF models for these data and the determination of LF informative features.
- Returns:
Z_train (np.array) – Matrix with low-fidelity feature training data
Y_HF_train (np.array) – Matrix with HF training data
- evaluate_HF_model_for_X_train()[source]#
Evaluate the high-fidelity model for the X_train input data-set.
- evaluate_LF_model_for_X_train()[source]#
Evaluate the low-fidelity model for the X_train input data-set.
- expand_training_data(additional_x_train, additional_y_lf_train=None)[source]#
Update or expand the training data.
Data is appended by an additional input/output vector of data.
- Parameters:
additional_x_train (np.array) – Additional input vector
additional_y_lf_train (np.array, optional) – Additional LF model response corresponding to additional input vector. Default to None
- Returns:
Z_train (np.array) – Matrix with low-fidelity feature training data
Y_HF_train (np.array) – Matrix with HF training data
- classmethod get_design_method(initial_design_dict)[source]#
Get the design method for initial training data.
Select the method for the generation of the initial training data for the probabilistic regression model.
- Parameters:
initial_design_dict (dict) – Dictionary with description of initial design.
- Returns:
run_design_method (obj) – Design method for selecting the HF training set
- static random_design(initial_design_dict, parameters)[source]#
Generate a uniformly random design strategy.
Get a random initial design using the Monte-Carlo sampler with a uniform distribution.
- Parameters:
initial_design_dict (dict) – Dictionary with description of initial design.
model (obj) – A model object on which the calculation is performed (only needed for interfaces here. The model is not evaluated here)
parameters (obj) – Parameters object
- Returns:
x_train (np.array) – Optimal training input samples
- set_feature_strategy(y_lf_mat, x_mat, coords_mat)[source]#
Get the low-fidelity feature matrix.
Compose the low-fidelity feature matrix that consists of the low- fidelity model outputs and the low-fidelity informative features.
- y_lf_mat (np.array): Low-fidelity output matrix with row-wise model realizations.
Columns are different dimensions of the output.
- x_mat (np.array): Input matrix for the simulation model with row-wise input points,
and colum-wise variable dimensions.
- coords_mat (np.array): Coordinate matrix for the observations with row-wise coordinate
points and different dimensions per column.
- Returns:
z_mat (np.array) – Extended low-fidelity matrix containing informative feature dimensions. Every row is one data point with dimensions per column.
queens.iterators.bmfmc_iterator module#
Iterator for Bayesian multi-fidelity UQ.
- class BMFMCIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, initial_design, plotting_options=None)[source]#
Iterator for the Bayesian multi-fidelity Monte-Carlo method.
The iterator fulfills the following tasks:
Load the low-fidelity Monte Carlo data.
Based on low-fidelity data, calculate optimal X_train to evaluate the high-fidelity model.
Based on X_train return the corresponding Y_LFs_train.
Initialize the BMFMC_model (this is not the high-fidelity model but the probabilistic mapping) with X_train and Y_LFs_train. Note that the BMFMC_model itself triggers the computation of the high-fidelity training data Y_HF_train.
Trigger the evaluation of the BMFMC_model. Here evaluation refers to computing the posterior statistics of the high-fidelity model. This is implemented in the BMFMC_model itself.
- model#
Instance of the BMFMCModel.
- Type:
- result_description#
Dictionary containing settings for plotting and saving data/results.
- Type:
- X_train#
Corresponding input for the simulations that are used to train the probabilistic mapping.
- Type:
- Y_LFs_train#
Outputs of the low-fidelity models that correspond to the training inputs X_train.
- Type:
- output#
Dictionary containing the output quantities:
: Corresponding Monte-Carlo point in LF informative feature spacem_f_mc
: Corresponding Monte-Carlo points of posterior mean ofthe probabilistic mapping
: Corresponding Monte-Carlo posterior variance samples of theprobabilistic mapping
: Support vector for QoI output distributionp_yhf_mean
: Vector containing mean function of HF outputposterior distribution
: Vector containing posterior variance function of HF outputdistribution
: Vector containing mean function of HF outputposterior distribution calculated without informative features \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\)
: Vector containing posterior variance function of HFoutput distribution calculated without informative features \(\boldsymbol{\gamma}\)
: Vector with low-fidelity output distribution (kde from MCdata)
: Vector with reference HF output distribution (kde from MCreference data)
: Corresponding training data in LF feature spaceY_HF_train
: Outputs of the high-fidelity model that correspond to thetraining inputs X_train such that \(Y_{HF}=y_{HF}(X)\)
: Corresponding input for the simulations that are used totrain the probabilistic mapping
- Type:
- initial_design#
Dictionary containing settings for the selection strategy/initial design of training points for the probabilistic mapping.
- Type:
- visualization#
Visualization object for BMFMC.
- Type:
- calculate_optimal_X_train()[source]#
Calculate the optimal model inputs X_train.
Based on the low-fidelity sampling data, calculate the optimal model inputs X_train, on which the high-fidelity model should be evaluated to construct the training data set for BMFMC. This selection is performed based on the following method options:
random: Divides the \(y_{LF}\) data set in bins and selects training candidates randomly from each bin until \(n_{train}\) is reached.
diverse subset: Determine the most important input features \(\gamma_i\) (this information is provided by the BMFMCModel), and find a space filling subset (diverse subset), given the LF sampling data with respect to the most important features \(\gamma_i\). The number of features to be considered can be set in the input file.
Remark: An optimization routine for the optimal number of features to be considered will be added in the future.
- core_run()[source]#
Main run of the BMFMCIterator.
The BMFMCIterator covers the following points:
Reading the sampling data from the low-fidelity model in QUEENS.
Based on LF data, determine optimal X_train for which the high-fidelity model should be evaluated \(Y_{HF}=y_{HF}(X)\).
Update the BMFMCModel with the partial training data set of X_train, Y_LF_train (Y_HF_train is determined in the BMFMCModel).
Evaluate the BMFMCModel, which means that the posterior statistics \(\mathbb{E}_{f}\left[p(y_{HF}^*|f,\mathcal{D})\right]\) and \(\mathbb{V}_{f}\left[p(y_{HF}^*|f,\mathcal{D})\right]\) are computed based on the BMFMC algorithm, which is implemented in the BMFMCModel.
- diverse_subset_design(n_points)[source]#
Calculate the HF training points based on psa_select.
Calculate the HF training points from large LF-MC data-set based on the diverse subset strategy based on the psa_select method from diversipy.
- Parameters:
n_points (int) – Number of HF training points to be selected
- get_design_method(design_method)[source]#
Get the design method for selecting the HF data.
Get the design method for selecting the HF data from the LF MC dataset.
- Parameters:
design_method (str) – Design method specified in input file
- Returns:
run_design_method (obj) – Design method for selecting the HF training set
queens.iterators.classification module#
Binary classification iterator.
This iterator trains a classification algorithm based on a forward and classification model.
- class ClassificationIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, num_sample_points, num_model_calls, random_sampling_frequency, classifier, seed, classification_function=<function default_classification_function>)[source]#
Iterator for machine leaning based classification.
- result_description#
Description of desired results
- Type:
- num_sample_points#
number of total points
- Type:
- num_model_calls#
total number of model calls
- Type:
- random_sampling_frequency#
in case of active sampling every iteration index that is a multiple of this number the samples are selected randomly
- Type:
- classifier#
queens classifier object
- Type:
- visualization_obj#
object for visualization
- Type:
- classification_function#
function that classifies the model output
- Type:
- samples#
samples on which the model was evaluated at
- Type:
- classified_outputs#
classified output of evaluated at samples
- Type:
- default_classification_function(features)[source]#
Default classification function checking for NaNs.
- Parameters:
features (np.array) – input array containing the values that should be classified
- Returns:
np.array – boolean array predictions where True represents non-NaN values, and False represents NaN values in the original array x
queens.iterators.control_variates_iterator module#
Monte Carlo Control Variates Iterator.
- class ControlVariatesIterator(model, control_variate, parameters, global_settings, seed, num_samples, expectation_cv=None, num_samples_cv=None, use_optimal_num_samples=False, cost_model=None, cost_cv=None)[source]#
Monte Carlo control variates iterator.
The control variates method in the context of Monte Carlo is used to quantify uncertainty in a model when input parameters are uncertain and only expressed as probability distributions. The Monte Carlo control variates method uses so-called low-fidelity models as control variates to make the quantification more precise. In the context of Monte Carlo, the control variate method is sometimes also called control variable method.
The estimator for the Monte Carlo control variates method with a single control variate is given by \(\hat{\mu}_{f}= \underbrace{\frac{1}{N} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \Big [ f(x^{(i)}) - \alpha \Big(g(x^{(i)}) - \hat\mu_{g} \Big) \Big]}_\textrm{cross-model estimator}\) where \(f\) represents the model, \(g\) the control variate, and \(\hat\mu_{g}\) the expectation of the control variate. \(N\) represents the number of samples on the cross-model estimator and \(x^{(i)}\) are random parameter samples.
In case the mean of the control variate is known, \(\hat\mu_{g}\) can be passed to the iterator as expectation_cv. Otherwise, \(\hat\mu_{g}\) is estimated with the Monte Carlo method.
The implementation is based on chapter 9.3 in [1] and uses one control variate.
- [1] D. P. Kroese, Z. I. Botev, and T. Taimre. “Handbook of Monte Carlo Methods”. Wiley,
- seed#
Seed for random samples.
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples on the cross-model estimator.
- Type:
- expectation_cv#
Expectation of the control variate. If the expectation is None, it will be estimated via MC sampling.
- Type:
- output#
Output dict with the following entries:
(float): Cross-model estimator.std
(float): Estimated standard deviation of the cross-model estimator.num_samples_cv
(int): Number of samples to estimate the control variatemean.
(float): Mean of control variate.std_cv_mean_estimator
(float): Standard deviation of control variatemean estimation.
(float): Method specific parameter that determinesthe influence of the control variate.
(float): Ratio of number of samples on control variate tonumber of samples on main model. Is only part of output if use_optimal_num_samples is True.
- Type:
- num_samples_cv#
Number of samples to use for computing the expectation of the control variate if this expectation is unknown.
- Type:
- samples#
Samples for the control variates estimator.
- Type:
- use_optimal_num_samples#
Determines wether the iterator calculates and uses the optimal number of samples to estimate the control variate mean such that the variance of the control variates estimator is minimized.
- Type:
- cost_model#
Cost of evaluating the model.
- Type:
- cost_cv#
Cost of evaluating the control variate.
- Type:
- variance_cv_mean_estimator#
Variance of the control variate mean estimator.
- Type:
queens.iterators.data_iterator module#
Data iterator.
- class DataIterator(path_to_data, result_description, global_settings, parameters=None)[source]#
Basic Data Iterator to enable restarts from data.
- samples#
Array with all samples.
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs.
- Type:
- eigenfunc#
Function for computing eigenfunctions or transformations applied to the data. This attribute is a placeholder and may be updated in future versions (refer to Issue #45).
- Type:
- path_to_data#
Path to pickle file containing data.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
queens.iterators.elementary_effects_iterator module#
Elementary Effects iterator module.
Elementary Effects (also called Morris method) is a global sensitivity analysis method, which can be used for parameter fixing (ranking).
- class ElementaryEffectsIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_trajectories, local_optimization, num_optimal_trajectories, number_of_levels, seed, confidence_level, num_bootstrap_samples, result_description)[source]#
Iterator to compute Elementary Effects (Morris method).
- num_trajectories#
Number of trajectories to generate.
- Type:
- local_optimization#
Flag whether to use local optimization according to Ruano et al. (2012). Speeds up the process tremendously for larger number of trajectories and num_levels. If set to False, brute force method is used.
- Type:
- num_optimal_trajectories#
Number of optimal trajectories to sample (between 2 and N).
- Type:
- num_levels#
Number of grid levels.
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for random number generation.
- Type:
- confidence_level#
Size of confidence interval.
- Type:
- num_bootstrap_samples#
Number of bootstrap samples used to compute confidence intervals for sensitivity measures.
- Type:
- result_description#
Dictionary with desired result description.
- Type:
- samples#
Samples at which the model is evaluated.
- Type:
- output#
Results at samples.
- Type:
- salib_problem#
Dictionary with SALib problem description.
- Type:
- si#
Dictionary with all sensitivity indices.
- Type:
- visualization#
Visualization object for SA.
- Type:
- print_results(results)[source]#
Print results to log.
- Parameters:
results (dict) –
Dictionary with the results of the sensitivity analysis, including: - ‘parameter_names’: List of parameter names. - ‘sensitivity_indices’: Contains indices like:
’names’: Parameter names.
’mu_star’: Mean absolute effect.
’mu’: Mean effect.
’mu_star_conf’: Confidence interval for ‘mu_star’.
’sigma’: Standard deviation of the effect.
queens.iterators.grid_iterator module#
Grid Iterator.
- class GridIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, grid_design)[source]#
Grid Iterator to enable meshgrid evaluations.
Different axis scaling possible: as linear, log10 or ln.
- grid_dict#
Dictionary containing grid information.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- samples#
Array with all samples.
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs.
- Type:
- num_grid_points_per_axis#
List with number of grid points for each grid axis.
- Type:
- num_parameters#
Number of parameters to be varied.
- Type:
- scale_type#
List with string entries denoting scaling type for each grid axis.
- Type:
- visualization#
Visualization object for the grid iterator.
queens.iterators.hmc_iterator module#
HMC algorithm.
“The Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler is a gradient based MCMC algortihm. It is used to sample from arbitrary probability distributions.
- class HMCIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_samples, seed, num_burn_in=100, num_chains=1, discard_tuned_samples=True, result_description=None, summary=True, pymc_sampler_stats=False, as_inference_dict=False, use_queens_prior=False, progressbar=False, max_steps=100, target_accept=0.65, path_length=2.0, step_size=0.25, scaling=None, is_cov=False, init_strategy='auto', advi_iterations=50000)[source]#
Iterator based on HMC algorithm.
The HMC sampler is a state of the art MCMC sampler. It is based on the Hamiltonian mechanics.
- max_steps#
Maximum of leapfrog steps to take in one iteration
- Type:
- target_accept#
Target accpetance rate which should be conistent after burn-in
- Type:
- path_length#
Maximum length of particle trajectory
- Type:
- scaling#
The inverse mass, or precision matrix
- Type:
- is_cov#
Setting if the scaling is a mass or covariance matrix
- Type:
- init_strategy#
Strategy to tune mass damping matrix
- Type:
- advi_iterations#
Number of iteration steps of ADVI based init strategies
- Type:
- Returns:
hmc_iterator (obj) – Instance of HMC Iterator
queens.iterators.iterator module#
Base module for iterators or methods.
- class Iterator(model, parameters, global_settings)[source]#
Base class for Iterator hierarchy.
This Iterator class is the base class for one of the primary class hierarchies in QUEENS. The job of the iterator hierarchy is to coordinate and execute simulations/function evaluations.
- model#
Model to be evaluated by iterator.
- Type:
- parameters#
Parameters object
- global_settings#
settings of the QUEENS experiment including its name and the output directory
- Type:
queens.iterators.lhs_iterator module#
Latin hypercube sampling iterator.
- class LHSIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, seed, num_samples, result_description=None, num_iterations=10, criterion='maximin')[source]#
Basic LHS Iterator to enable Latin Hypercube sampling.
- seed#
Seed for numpy random number generator.
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples to compute.
- Type:
- num_iterations#
Number of optimization iterations of design.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- criterion#
Allowable values are:
center or c
maximin or m
centermaximin or cm
correlation or corr
- Type:
- samples#
Array with all samples.
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs.
- Type:
queens.iterators.lm_iterator module#
Levenberg Marquardt iterator.
- class LMIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, initial_guess=None, bounds=None, jac_rel_step=0.0001, jac_abs_step=0.0, init_reg=1.0, update_reg='grad', convergence_tolerance=1e-06, max_feval=1, verbose_output=False)[source]#
Iterator for Levenberg-Marquardt deterministic optimization problems.
Implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for optimization, adapted from the 4C gen_inv_analysis approach. This class focuses on a simplified yet controlled optimization process.
- initial_guess#
Initial guess for the optimization parameters.
- Type:
- bounds#
Tuple specifying the lower and upper bounds for parameters. If None, no bounds are applied.
- Type:
- havebounds#
Flag indicating if bounds are provided.
- Type:
- param_current#
Current parameter values being optimized.
- Type:
- jac_rel_step#
Relative step size used for finite difference approximation of the Jacobian.
- Type:
- max_feval#
Maximum number of allowed function evaluations.
- Type:
- result_description#
Configuration for result file handling and plotting.
- Type:
- jac_abs_step#
Absolute step size used for finite difference approximation of the Jacobian.
- Type:
- reg_param#
Regularization parameter for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
- Type:
- init_reg#
Initial value for the regularization parameter.
- Type:
- update_reg#
Strategy for updating the regularization parameter (“res” for residual-based, “grad” for gradient-based).
- Type:
- tolerance#
Convergence tolerance for the optimization process.
- Type:
- verbose_output#
If True, provides detailed output during optimization.
- Type:
- iter_opt#
The iteration number at which the lowest error was achieved.
- Type:
- lowesterror#
The minimum error encountered during the optimization process.
- Type:
float or None
- param_opt#
Parameter values corresponding to the minimum error.
- Type:
- solution#
The final optimized parameter values.
- Type:
- checkbounds(param_delta, i)[source]#
Check if proposed step is in bounds.
Otherwise double regularization and compute new step.
- Parameters:
param_delta (numpy.ndarray) – Parameter step
i (int) – Iteration number
- Returns:
stepisoutside (bool) – Flag if proposed step is out of bounds
- get_positions_raw_2pointperturb(x0)[source]#
Get parameter sets for objective function evaluations.
- Parameters:
x0 (numpy.ndarray) – Vector with current parameters
- Returns:
positions (numpy.ndarray) – Parameter batch for function evaluation
delta_positions (numpy.ndarray) – Parameter perturbations for finite difference scheme
- jacobian_and_residual(x0)[source]#
Evaluate Jacobian and residual of objective function at x0.
For LM we can restrict to “2-point”.
- Parameters:
x0 (numpy.ndarray) – Vector with current parameters
- Returns:
jacobian_matrix (numpy.ndarray) – Jacobian Matrix approximation from finite differences
f0 (numpy.ndarray) – Residual of objective function at x0
- post_run()[source]#
Post run.
Write solution to the console and optionally create .html plot from result file.
- pre_run()[source]#
Initialize run.
Print console output and optionally open .csv file for results and write header.
- printstep(i, resnorm, gradnorm, param_delta)[source]#
Print iteration data to console and optionally to file.
Opens file in append mode, so that file is updated frequently.
- Parameters:
i (int) – Iteration number
resnorm (float) – Residual norm
gradnorm (float) – Gradient norm
param_delta (numpy.ndarray) – Parameter step
queens.iterators.metropolis_hastings_iterator module#
Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
“The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for obtaining a sequence of random samples from a probability distribution from which direct sampling is difficult.” [1]
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metropolis%E2%80%93Hastings_algorithm
- class MetropolisHastingsIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, proposal_distribution, num_samples, seed, tune=False, tune_interval=100, scale_covariance=1.0, num_burn_in=0, num_chains=1, as_smc_rejuvenation_step=False, temper_type='bayes')[source]#
Iterator based on Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm can be considered the benchmark Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. It may be used to sample from complex, intractable probability distributions from which direct sampling is difficult or impossible. The implemented version is a random walk Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
- num_chains#
Number of independent chains to run.
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples to draw per chain.
- Type:
- proposal_distribution#
Proposal distribution used for generating candidate samples.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of the desired results.
- Type:
- as_smc_rejuvenation_step#
Indicates whether this iterator is used as a rejuvenation step for an SMC iterator or as the main iterator itself.
- Type:
- tune#
Whether to tune the scale of the proposal distribution’s covariance.
- Type:
- scale_covariance#
Scale of covariance matrix.
- Type:
float or np.array
- num_burn_in#
Number of initial samples to discard as burn-in.
- Type:
- temper#
Tempering function used in the acceptance probability calculation.
- Type:
- gamma#
Tempering parameter.
- Type:
- tune_interval#
Interval for tuning the scale of the covariance matrix.
- Type:
- tot_num_samples#
Total number of samples to be drawn per chain, including burn-in.
- Type:
- chains#
Array storing all the samples drawn across all chains.
- Type:
- log_likelihood#
Logarithms of the likelihood of the samples.
- Type:
- log_prior#
Logarithms of the prior probabilities of the samples.
- Type:
- log_posterior#
Logarithms of the posterior probabilities of the samples.
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for random number generation.
- Type:
- accepted#
Number of accepted proposals per chain.
- Type:
- accepted_interval#
Number of proposals per chain in current tuning interval.
- Type:
- do_mh_step(step_id)[source]#
Metropolis (Hastings) step.
- Parameters:
step_id (int) – Current step index for the MCMC run.
- eval_log_likelihood(samples)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of likelihood at samples of chains.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples for which to evaluate the likelihood.
- Returns:
np.array – Logarithms of the likelihood for each sample.
- eval_log_prior(samples)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of prior at samples of chains.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples for which to evaluate the prior.
- Returns:
np.array – Logarithms of the prior probabilities for each sample.
- pre_run(initial_samples=None, initial_log_like=None, initial_log_prior=None, gamma=1.0, cov_mat=None)[source]#
Draw initial sample.
- Parameters:
initial_samples (np.array, optional) – Initial samples for the chains.
initial_log_like (np.array, optional) – Initial log-likelihood values.
initial_log_prior (np.array, optional) – Initial log-prior values.
gamma (float, optional) – Tempering parameter for the posterior calculation.
cov_mat (np.array, optional) – Covariance matrix for the proposal distribution.
queens.iterators.metropolis_hastings_pymc_iterator module#
Metropolis Hastings algorithm.
“The Metropolis Hastings algorithm is a not-gradient based MCMC algortihm. It implements a random walk.
- class MetropolisHastingsPyMCIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_samples, seed, num_burn_in=100, num_chains=1, discard_tuned_samples=True, result_description=None, summary=True, pymc_sampler_stats=False, as_inference_dict=False, use_queens_prior=False, progressbar=False, covariance=None, tune_interval=100, scaling=1.0)[source]#
Iterator based on MH-MCMC algorithm.
The Metropolis Hastings sampler is a basic MCMC sampler.
- covariance#
Covariance for proposal distribution
- Type:
- tune_interval#
frequency of tuning
- scaling#
Initial scale factor for proposal
- Type:
- Returns:
metropolis_hastings_iterator (obj) – Instance of Metropolis-Hastings Iterator
- eval_log_likelihood(samples)[source]#
Evaluate the log-likelihood.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples to evaluate the likelihood at
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – Log-likelihoods
queens.iterators.mlmc_iterator module#
Multilevel Monte Carlo Iterator.
- class MLMCIterator(models, parameters, global_settings, seed, num_samples, cost_models=None, use_optimal_num_samples=False, num_bootstrap_samples=0)[source]#
Multilevel Monte Carlo Iterator.
The equations were taken from [1]. This iterator can be used in two different modes by setting the truth value of the parameter use_optimal_num_samples. When set to false, the iterator uses the number of samples provided by the user. When set to true, the iterator calculates and uses the optimal number of samples on each estimator. The iterator does this by calculating the optimal ratio of samples between the estimators. The number of samples on the highest-fidelity model is set by the user.
The multilevel Monte Carlo (MLMC) estimator is given by \(\hat{\mu}_\mathrm{MLMC} = \underbrace{\frac{1}{N_{0}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_{0}} f_{0}(x^{(0, i)})}_\textrm{estimator 0} + \sum_{l=1}^{L} \underbrace{\bigg \{ \frac{1}{N_{l}} \sum_{i=1}^{N_ {l}} \Big ( f_{l}(x^{(l, i)}) - f_{l-1}(x^{(l, i)}) \Big ) \bigg \}}_{\textrm{estimator }l}\) where \(f_{l}\) are the models with increasing fidelity as \(l\) increases. \(N_{l}\) are the number of samples on the \(l\)-th estimator and \(x^{(l,i)}\) is the \(i\)-th sample on the \(l\)-th estimator.
[1] M. B. Giles. “Multilevel Monte Carlo methods”. Acta Numerica, 2018.
- seed#
Seed for random number generation.
- Type:
- models#
Models of different fidelity to use for evaluation. The model fidelity and model cost increases with increasing index.
- Type:
- num_samples#
The number of samples to evaluate each estimator with. If use_optimal_num_samples is False (default), the values represent the final number of model evaluations on each estimator. If use_optimal_num_samples is True, the values represent the initial number of model evaluations on each estimator needed to estimate the variance of each estimator, after which the optimal number of samples of each estimator is computed. The i-th entry of the list corresponds to the i-th estimator.
- Type:
- samples#
List of samples for each estimator.
- Type:
- output#
Output dict with the following entries:
(float): MLMC estimator.var
(float): Variance of the MLMC estimator.std
(float): Standard deviation of the MLMC estimator.result
(np.array): Evaluated samples of each estimator.mean_estimators
(list): Estimated mean of each estimator.var_estimators
(list): Variance of each estimator.num_samples
(list): Number of evaluated samples of each estimator.std_bootstrap
(float): Bootstrap approximation of the calculated MLMCestimator standard deviation. This value is not computed if num_bootstrap_samples is 0.
- Type:
- cost_estimators#
The relative cost of each estimator. The i-th entry of the list corresponds to the i-th estimator.
- Type:
- use_optimal_num_samples#
Sets the mode of the iterator to either using num_samples as the number of model evaluations on each estimator or using num_samples as initial samples to calculate the optimal number of samples from.
- Type:
- num_bootstrap_samples#
Number of resamples to use for bootstrap estimate of standard deviation of this estimator. If set to 0, the iterator won’t compute a bootstrap estimate.
- Type:
queens.iterators.monte_carlo_iterator module#
Monte Carlo iterator.
- class MonteCarloIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, seed, num_samples, result_description=None)[source]#
Basic Monte Carlo Iterator to enable MC sampling.
- seed#
Seed for random number generation.
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples to compute.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- samples#
Array with all samples.
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs.
- Type:
queens.iterators.nuts_iterator module#
No-U-Turn algorithm.
“The No-U-Turn sampler is a gradient based MCMC algortihm. It builds on the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler to sample from (high dimensional) arbitrary probability distributions.
- class NUTSIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_samples, seed, num_burn_in=100, num_chains=1, discard_tuned_samples=True, result_description=None, summary=True, pymc_sampler_stats=False, as_inference_dict=False, use_queens_prior=False, progressbar=False, max_treedepth=10, early_max_treedepth=8, step_size=0.25, target_accept=0.8, scaling=None, is_cov=False, init_strategy='auto', advi_iterations=500000)[source]#
Iterator based on HMC algorithm.
[1]: Hoffman et al. The No-U-Turn Sampler: Adaptively Setting Path Lengths in Hamiltonian Monte Carlo. 2011.
The No-U-Turn sampler is a state of the art MCMC sampler. It is based on the Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampler but eliminates the need for an specificed number of integration step by checking if the trajectory turns around. The algorithm is based on a building up a tree and selecting a random note as proposal.
- max_treedepth#
Maximum depth for the tree-search
- Type:
- early_max_treedepth#
Max tree depth of first 200 tuning samples
- Type:
- target_accept#
Target accpetance rate which should be conistent after burn-in
- Type:
- scaling#
The inverse mass, or precision matrix
- Type:
- is_cov#
Setting if the scaling is a mass or covariance matrix
- Type:
- init_strategy#
Strategy to tune mass damping matrix
- Type:
- advi_iterations#
Number of iteration steps of ADVI based init strategies
- Type:
- Returns:
nuts_iterator (obj) – Instance of NUTS Iterator
queens.iterators.optimization_iterator module#
Deterministic optimization toolbox.
- class OptimizationIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, initial_guess, result_description, verbose_output=False, bounds=Bounds(array([-inf]), array([inf])), constraints=None, max_feval=None, algorithm='L-BFGS-B', jac_method='2-point', jac_rel_step=None, objective_and_jacobian=None)[source]#
Iterator for deterministic optimization problems.
Based on the scipy.optimize optimization toolbox [1].
[1]: https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/optimize.html
- algorithm#
String that defines the optimization algorithm to be used:
CG: Conjugate gradient optimization (unconstrained), using Jacobian
- BFGS: Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm (quasi-Newton) for
optimization (iterative method for unconstrained nonlinear optimization), using Jacobian
- L-BFGS-B: Limited memory Broyden–Fletcher–Goldfarb–Shanno algorithm
with box constraints (for large number of variables)
- TNC: Truncated Newton method (Hessian free) for nonlinear
optimization with bounds involving a large number of variables. Jacobian necessary
- SLSQP: Sequential Least Squares Programming minimization with bounds
and constraints using Jacobian
LSQ: Nonlinear least squares with bounds using Jacobian
- COBYLA: Constrained Optimization BY Linear Approximation
(no Jacobian)
- NELDER-MEAD: Downhill-simplex search method
(unconstrained, unbounded) without the need for a Jacobian
- POWELL: Powell’s conjugate direction method (unconstrained) without
the need for a Jacobian. Minimizes the function by a bidirectional search along each search vector
- Type:
- bounds#
Bounds on variables for Nelder-Mead, L-BFGS-B, TNC, SLSQP, Powell, and trust-constr methods. There are two ways to specify the bounds:
Instance of Bounds class.
2. A sequence with 2 elements. The first element corresponds to a sequence of lower bounds and the second element to sequence of upper bounds. The length of each of the two subsequences must be equal to the number of variables.
- Type:
sequence, Bounds
- cons#
Nonlinear constraints for the optimization. Only for COBYLA, SLSQP and trust-constr (see SciPy documentation for details)
- Type:
- initial_guess#
Initial guess, i.e. start point of optimization.
- Type:
- jac_method#
Method to calculate a finite difference based approximation of the Jacobian matrix:
‘2-point’: a one-sided scheme by definition
‘3-point’: more exact but needs twice as many function evaluations
- Type:
- jac_rel_step#
Relative step size to use for finite difference approximation of Jacobian matrix. If None (default) then it is selected automatically. (see SciPy documentation for details)
- Type:
- max_feval#
Maximum number of function evaluations.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired post-processing.
- Type:
- verbose_output#
Integer encoding which kind of verbose information should be printed by the optimizers.
- Type:
- precalculated_positions#
Dictionary containing precalculated positions and corresponding model responses.
- Type:
- solution#
Solution obtained from the optimization process.
- Type:
- objective_and_jacobian#
If true, every time the objective is evaluated also the jacobian is evaluated. This leads to improved batching, but can lead to unnecessary evaluations of the jacobian during line-search. This option is only available for gradient methods. Default for ‘LSQ’ is true, and false for remaining gradient methods.
- Type:
- Returns:
OptimizationIterator (obj) – Instance of the OptimizationIterator
- check_precalculated(position)[source]#
Check if the model was already evaluated at defined position.
- Parameters:
position (np.ndarray) – Position at which the model should be evaluated
- Returns:
np.ndarray – Precalculated model response or None
- eval_model(positions)[source]#
Evaluate model at defined positions.
- Parameters:
positions (np.ndarray) – Positions at which the model is evaluated
- Returns:
f_batch (np.ndarray) – Model response
- evaluate_fd_positions(x0)[source]#
Evaluate objective function at finite difference positions.
- Parameters:
x0 (np.array) – Position at which the Jacobian is computed.
- Returns:
f0 (ndarray) – Objective function value at x0
f_perturbed (np.array) – Perturbed function values
delta_positions (np.array) – Delta between positions used to approximate Jacobian
use_one_sided (np.array) – Whether to switch to one-sided scheme due to closeness to bounds. Informative only for 3-point method.
- jacobian(x0)[source]#
Evaluate Jacobian of objective function at x0.
- Parameters:
x0 (np.array) – position to evaluate Jacobian at
- Returns:
jacobian (np.array) – Jacobian matrix evaluated at x0
queens.iterators.points_iterator module#
Iterator to run a model on predefined input points.
- class PointsIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, points, result_description)[source]#
Iterator at given input points.
- result_description#
Settings for storing
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs
- Type:
- points#
Dictionary with name and samples
- Type:
- points_array#
Array with all samples
- Type:
queens.iterators.polynomial_chaos_iterator module#
Polynomial chaos iterator.
Is a wrapper on the chaospy library.
- class PolynomialChaosIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_collocation_points, polynomial_order, approach, result_description, sparse=None, sampling_rule=None, seed=42)[source]#
Collocation-based polynomial chaos iterator.
- seed#
Seed for random number generation.
- Type:
- num_collocation_points#
Number of samples to compute.
- Type:
- sampling_rule#
Rule according to which samples are drawn.
- Type:
- polynomial_order#
Order of polynomial expansion.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- sparse#
For pseudo-spectral, if True uses sparse collocation points.
- Type:
- polynomial_chaos_approach#
Approach for the polynomial chaos approach.
- Type:
- distribution#
Joint input distribution.
- Type:
- samples#
Sample points used in the computation.
- result_dict#
Dictionary storing results including expansion, mean, and covariance.
queens.iterators.pymc_iterator module#
PyMC Iterators base class.
- class PyMCIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_burn_in, num_chains, num_samples, discard_tuned_samples, result_description, summary, pymc_sampler_stats, as_inference_dict, seed, use_queens_prior, progressbar)[source]#
Iterator based on PyMC.
[1]: Salvatier et al. “Probabilistic programming in Python using PyMC3”. PeerJ Computer Science. 2016.
- result_description#
Settings for storing and visualizing the results
- Type:
- discard_tuned_samples#
Setting to discard the samples of the burin-in period
- Type:
- num_chains#
Number of chains to sample
- Type:
- num_burn_in#
Number of burn-in steps
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples to generate per chain, excluding burn-in period
- Type:
- chains#
Array with all samples
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for the random number generators
- Type:
- pymc_model#
PyMC Model as inference environment
- Type:
- step#
PyMC MCMC method to be used for sampling
- Type:
- use_queens_prior#
Setting for using the PyMC priors or the QUEENS prior functions
- Type:
- progressbar#
Setting for printing progress bar while sampling
- Type:
- log_prior#
Function to evaluate the QUEENS joint log-prior
- Type:
- log_like#
Function to evaluate QUEENS log-likelihood
- Type:
- results#
PyMC inference object with sampling results
- Type:
- results_dict#
PyMC inference results as dict
- Type:
- summary#
Print sampler summary
- Type:
- pymc_sampler_stats#
Compute additional sampler statistics
- Type:
- as_inference_dict#
Return inference_data object instead of trace object
- Type:
- initvals#
Dict with distribution names and starting point of chains
- Type:
- model_fwd_evals#
Number of model forward calls
- Type:
- model_grad_evals#
Number of model gradient calls
- Type:
- buffered_samples#
Most recent evalutated samples by the likelihood function
- Type:
- buffered_gradients#
Gradient of the most recent evaluated samples
- Type:
- buffered_likelihoods#
Most recent evalutated likelihoods
- Type:
- eval_log_likelihood(samples)[source]#
Evaluate the log-likelihood.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples to evaluate the likelihood at
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – log-likelihoods
- eval_log_likelihood_grad(samples)[source]#
Evaluate the gradient of the log-likelihood.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples to evaluate the gradient at
- Returns:
gradient (np.array) – Gradients of the log likelihood
- eval_log_prior(samples)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of prior at samples of chains.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples to evaluate the prior at
- Returns:
log_prior (np.array) – Prior log-pdf
queens.iterators.reparameteriztion_based_variational_inference module#
Reparameterization trick based variational inference.
- class RPVIIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, variational_distribution, n_samples_per_iter, random_seed, max_feval, stochastic_optimizer, variational_transformation=None, variational_parameter_initialization=None, natural_gradient=True, FIM_dampening=True, decay_start_iteration=50, dampening_coefficient=0.01, FIM_dampening_lower_bound=1e-08, score_function_bool=False, verbose_every_n_iter=10)[source]#
Reparameterization based variational inference (RPVI).
Iterator for Bayesian inverse problems. This variational inference approach requires model gradients/Jacobians w.r.t. the parameters/the parameterization of the inverse problem. The latter can be provided by:
A finite differences approximation of the gradient/Jacobian, which requires in the simplest case d+1 additional solver calls
An externally provided gradient/Jacobian that was, e.g. calculated via adjoint methods or automated differentiation
The current implementation does not support the importance sampling of the MC gradient.
The mathematical details of the algorithm can be found in [1], [2], [3].
- [1]: Kingma, D. P., Salimans, T., & Welling, M. (2015). Variational dropout and the local
reparameterization trick. Advances in neural information processing systems, 28, 2575-2583.
- [2]: Roeder, G., Wu, Y., & Duvenaud, D. (2017). Sticking the landing: Simple,
lower-variance gradient estimators for variational inference. arXiv preprint arXiv:1703.09194.
- [3]: Blei, D. M., Kucukelbir, A., & McAuliffe, J. D. (2017). Variational inference: A
review for statisticians. Journal of the American statistical Association, 112(518), 859-877.
- score_function_bool#
Boolean flag to decide whether the score function term should be considered in the elbo gradient. If True the score function is considered.
- Type:
- Returns:
rpvi_obj (obj) – Instance of the RPVIIterator
- evaluate_and_gradient(sample_batch)[source]#
Calculate log-likelihood of observation data and its gradient.
Evaluation of the likelihood model and its gradient for all inputs of the sample batch will trigger the actual forward simulation (can be executed in parallel as batch-sequential procedure).
- Parameters:
sample_batch (np.array) – Sample-batch with samples row-wise
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – Vector of log-likelihood values for different input samples.
grad_log_likelihood_batch (np.array) – Row-wise gradients of log-Likelihood w.r.t. latent input samples.
queens.iterators.sequential_monte_carlo_chopin module#
Sequential Monte Carlo implementation using particles package.
- class ParticlesChopinDistribution(queens_distribution)[source]#
Distribution interfacing QUEENS distributions to particles.
- property dim#
Dimension of the distribution.
- Returns:
int – dimension of the RV
- logpdf(x)[source]#
Logpdf of the distribution.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – Input locations
- Returns:
np.ndarray – logpdf values
- pdf(x)[source]#
Pdf of the distribution.
- Parameters:
x (np.ndarray) – Input locations
- Returns:
np.ndarray – pdf values
- class SequentialMonteCarloChopinIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, num_particles, max_feval, seed, resampling_threshold, resampling_method, feynman_kac_model, num_rejuvenation_steps, waste_free)[source]#
Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm from Chopin et al.
Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm based on the book [1] (especially chapter 17) and the particles library (nchopin/particles)
- [1]: Chopin N. and Papaspiliopoulos O. (2020), An Introduction to Sequential Monte Carlo,
10.1007/978-3-030-47845-2 , Springer.
- result_description#
Settings for storing and visualizing the results.
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for random number generator.
- Type:
- num_particles#
Number of particles.
- Type:
- num_variables#
Number of primary variables.
- Type:
- n_sims#
Number of model calls.
- Type:
- max_feval#
Maximum number of model calls.
- Type:
- prior#
Particles Prior object.
- Type:
- smc_obj#
Particles SMC object.
- Type:
- resampling_threshold#
Ratio of ESS to particle number at which to resample.
- Type:
- resampling_method#
Resampling method implemented in particles.
- Type:
- feynman_kac_model#
Feynman Kac model for the smc object.
- Type:
- num_rejuvenation_steps#
Number of rejuvenation steps (e.g. MCMC steps).
- Type:
- waste_free#
If True, all intermediate Markov steps are kept.
- Type:
- core_run()[source]#
Core run of Sequential Monte Carlo iterator.
The particles library is generator based. Hence, one step of the SMC algorithm is done using next(self.smc). As the next() function is called during the for loop, we only need to add some logging and check if the number of model runs is exceeded.
- eval_log_likelihood(samples)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of likelihood at sample.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples/particles of the SMC.
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – Value of log-likelihood for samples.
queens.iterators.sequential_monte_carlo_iterator module#
Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm.
- [1]: Del Moral, P., Doucet, A. and Jasra, A. (2007)
‘Sequential monte carlo for bayesian computation’, in Bernardo, J. M. et al. (eds) Bayesian Statistics 8. Oxford University Press, pp. 1–34.
- [2]: Koutsourelakis, P. S. (2009)
‘A multi-resolution, non-parametric, Bayesian framework for identification of spatially-varying model parameters’, Journal of Computational Physics, 228(17), pp. 6184–6211. doi: 10.1016/j.jcp.2009.05.016.
- [3]: Minson, S. E., Simons, M. and Beck, J. L. (2013)
‘Bayesian inversion for finite fault earthquake source models I-theory and algorithm’, Geophysical Journal International, 194(3), pp. 1701–1726. doi: 10.1093/gji/ggt180.
- [4]: Del Moral, P., Doucet, A. and Jasra, A. (2006)
‘Sequential Monte Carlo samplers’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 68(3), pp. 411–436. doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9868.2006.00553.x.
- class SequentialMonteCarloIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, num_particles, result_description, seed, temper_type, mcmc_proposal_distribution, num_rejuvenation_steps, plot_trace_every=0)[source]#
Iterator based on Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm.
The Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm is a very general algorithm for sampling from complex, intractable probability distributions from which direct sampling is difficult or impossible. The implemented version is based on [1, 2, 3, 4].
- plot_trace_every#
Print the current trace every plot_trace_every-th iteration. Default: 0 (do not print the trace).
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- seed#
Seed for random number generator.
- Type:
- mcmc_kernel#
Forward kernel for the rejuvenation steps.
- num_particles#
Number of particles.
- Type:
- num_variables#
Number of primary variables.
- Type:
- particles#
Array holding the current particles.
- Type:
- weights#
Array holding the current weights.
- Type:
- log_likelihood#
log of pdf of likelihood at particles.
- Type:
- log_prior#
log of pdf of prior at particles.
- Type:
- log_posterior#
log of pdf of posterior at particles.
- Type:
- ess#
List storing the values of the effective sample size.
- Type:
- ess_cur#
Current effective sample size.
- Type:
- temper#
Tempering function that defines the transition to the goal distribution.
- Type:
- gamma_cur#
Current tempering parameter, sometimes called (reciprocal) temperature.
- Type:
- gammas#
List to store values of the tempering parameter.
- Type:
- a#
Parameter for the scaling of the covariance matrix of the proposal distribution of the MCMC kernel.
- Type:
- b#
Parameter for the scaling of the covariance matrix of the proposal distribution of the MCMC kernel.
- Type:
- calc_new_ess(gamma_new, gamma_old)[source]#
Calculate predicted Effective Sample Size at gamma_new.
- Parameters:
gamma_new (float) – New gamma value.
gamma_old (float) – Previous gamma value.
- Returns:
ess (float) – Effective sample size for the new gamma value.
- calc_new_gamma(gamma_cur)[source]#
Calculate the new gamma value.
Based on the current gamma, calculate the new gamma such that the ESS at the new gamma is equal to zeta times current gamma. This ensures only a small reduction of the ESS.
- Parameters:
gamma_cur (float) – Current gamma value.
- Returns:
gamma_new (float) – Updated gamma value.
- calc_new_weights(gamma_new, gamma_old)[source]#
Calculate the weights at new gamma value.
This is a core equation of the SMC algorithm. See for example:
Eq.(22) with Eq.(14) in [1]
Table 1: (2) in [2]
Eq.(31) with Eq.(11) in [4]
We use the exp-log trick here to avoid numerical problems and normalize the particles in this method.
- Parameters:
gamma_new (float) – Old value of gamma blending parameter
gamma_old (float) – New value of gamma blending parameter
- Returns:
weights_new (np.array) – New and normalized weights
- draw_trace(step)[source]#
Plot the trace of the current particle approximation.
- Parameters:
step (int) – Current step index
- eval_log_likelihood(sample_batch)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of likelihood at sample batch.
- Parameters:
sample_batch (np.array) – Batch of samples
- Returns:
log_likelihood (np.array) – Logarithm of likelihood for the sample batch.
- eval_log_prior(sample_batch)[source]#
Evaluate natural logarithm of prior at sample.
- Parameters:
sample_batch (np.array) – Array of input samples
- Returns:
log_prior_array (np.array) – Array of log-prior values for input samples
- resample()[source]#
Resample particle distribution based on their weights.
Resampling reduces the variance of the particle approximation by eliminating particles with small weights and duplicating particles with large weights (see 2.2.1 in [2]).
- Returns:
Tuple of updated particles, resampled weights, log-likelihood, and log-prior.
- update_ess(resampled=False)[source]#
Update effective sample size (ESS) and store current value.
Based on the current weights, calculate the corresponding ESS. Store the new ESS value. In case of resampling, the weights have been reset in the current time step and therefore also the ESS has to be reset.
- Parameters:
resampled (bool) – Indicates whether current weights are base on a resampling step
queens.iterators.sobol_index_gp_uncertainty_iterator module#
Iterator for Sobol indices with GP uncertainty.
- class SobolIndexGPUncertaintyIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, num_procs=2, second_order=False, third_order=False, **additional_options)[source]#
Iterator for Sobol indices with metamodel uncertainty.
This iterator estimates first- and total-order Sobol indices based on Monte-Carlo integration and the use of Gaussian process as surrogate model. Additionally, uncertainty estimates for the Sobol index estimates are calculated: total uncertainty and separate uncertainty due to Monte-Carlo integration and due to the use of the Gaussian process as a surrogate model. Second-order indices can optionally be estimated.
Alternatively, one specific third-order Sobol index can be estimated for one specific combination of three parameters (specified as third_order_parameters in the input file).
The approach is based on:
Le Gratiet, Loic, Claire Cannamela, and Bertrand Iooss. ‘A Bayesian Approach for Global Sensitivity Analysis of (Multifidelity) Computer Codes’. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2, no. 1 (1 January 2014): 336–63. https://doi.org/10.1137/130926869.
Further details can be found in:
Wirthl, B., Brandstaeter, S., Nitzler, J., Schrefler, B. A., & Wall, W. A. (2023). Global sensitivity analysis based on Gaussian-process metamodelling for complex biomechanical problems. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 39(3), e3675. https://doi.org/10.1002/cnm.3675
- result_description#
Dictionary with desired result description.
- Type:
- num_procs#
Number of processors.
- Type:
- sampler#
Sampler object.
- Type:
Sampler object
- predictor#
Metamodel predictor object.
- Type:
Predictor object
- index_estimator#
Estimator object.
- Type:
SobolIndexEstimator object
- statistics#
List of statistics objects.
- Type:
- calculate_second_order#
True if second-order indices are calculated.
- Type:
- calculate_third_order#
True if third-order indices only are calculated.
- Type:
- results#
Dictionary for results.
- Type:
- calculate_index()[source]#
Calculate Sobol indices.
Run sensitivity analysis based on:
Le Gratiet, Loic, Claire Cannamela, and Bertrand Iooss. ‘A Bayesian Approach for Global Sensitivity Analysis of (Multifidelity) Computer Codes’. SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2, no. 1 (1 January 2014): 336–63. https://doi.org/10.1137/130926869.
queens.iterators.sobol_index_iterator module#
Estimate Sobol indices.
- class SobolIndexIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, seed, num_samples, calc_second_order, num_bootstrap_samples, confidence_level, result_description, skip_values=None)[source]#
Sobol Index Iterator.
This class essentially provides a wrapper around the SALib library.
- seed#
Seed for random number generator.
- Type:
- num_samples#
Number of samples.
- Type:
- calc_second_order#
Whether to calculate second-order sensitivities.
- Type:
- skip_values#
Number of points in Sobol’ sequence to skip, ideally a value of base 2 (default: 1024).
- Type:
int or None
- num_bootstrap_samples#
Number of bootstrap samples for confidence intervals.
- Type:
- confidence_level#
Confidence level for the intervals.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of the desired results.
- Type:
- samples#
Samples used for analysis.
- Type:
- output#
Model outputs corresponding to samples.
- Type:
- salib_problem#
Problem definition for SALib.
- Type:
- num_params#
Number of parameters.
- Type:
- parameter_names#
List of parameter names.
- Type:
- sensitivity_indices#
Sensitivity indices from Sobol analysis.
- Type:
- plot_results(results)[source]#
Create bar graph of first order sensitivity indices.
- Parameters:
results (dict) – Dictionary with Sobol indices and confidence intervals
- extract_parameters_of_parameter_distributions(parameters)[source]#
Extract the parameters of the parameter distributions.
- Parameters:
parameters (Parameters) – QUEENS Parameters object containing the metadata
- Returns:
distribution_types (list) – list with distribution types of the parameter distributions
distribution_parameters (list) – list with parameters of the parameter distributions
queens.iterators.sobol_sequence_iterator module#
Sobol sequence iterator.
- class SobolSequenceIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, seed, number_of_samples, result_description, randomize=False)[source]#
Sobol sequence in multiple dimensions.
- seed#
This is the seed for the scrambling. The seed of the random number generator is set to this, if specified. Otherwise, it uses a random seed.
- Type:
- number_of_samples#
Number of samples to compute.
- Type:
- randomize#
Setting this to True will produce scrambled Sobol sequences. Scrambling is capable of producing better Sobol sequences.
- Type:
- result_description#
Description of desired results.
- Type:
- samples#
Array with all samples.
- Type:
- output#
Array with all model outputs.
- Type:
queens.iterators.variational_inference module#
Base class for variational inference iterator.
- class VariationalInferenceIterator(model, parameters, global_settings, result_description, variational_distribution, variational_params_initialization, n_samples_per_iter, variational_transformation, random_seed, max_feval, natural_gradient, FIM_dampening, decay_start_iter, dampening_coefficient, FIM_dampening_lower_bound, stochastic_optimizer, iteration_data, verbose_every_n_iter=10)[source]#
Stochastic variational inference iterator.
- [1]: Mohamed et al. “Monte Carlo Gradient Estimation in Machine Learning”. Journal of
Machine Learning Research. 21(132):1−62, 2020.
- [2]: Blei, D. M., Kucukelbir, A., & McAuliffe, J. D. (2017). Variational Inference: A
Review for Statisticians. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112(518), 859–877. https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2017.1285773
- [3]: Hoffman, M. D., Blei, D. M., Wang, C., & Paisley, J. (2013). Stochastic variational
inference. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 14(1), 1303–1347.
- result_description#
Settings for storing and visualizing the results.
- Type:
- variational_params_initialization_approach#
Flag to decide how to initialize the variational parameters.
- Type:
- n_samples_per_iter#
Batch size per iteration (number of simulations per iteration to estimate the involved expectations).
- Type:
- variational_transformation#
String encoding the transformation that will be applied to the variational density.
- Type:
- natural_gradient_bool#
True if natural gradient should be used.
- Type:
- fim_decay_start_iter#
Iteration at which the FIM dampening is started.
- Type:
- fim_dampening_coefficient#
Initial nugget term value for the FIM dampening.
- Type:
- fim_dampening_lower_bound#
Lower bound on the FIM dampening coefficient.
- Type:
- fim_dampening_bool#
True if FIM dampening should be used.
- Type:
- random_seed#
Seed for the random number generators.
- Type:
- max_feval#
Maximum number of simulation runs for this analysis.
- Type:
- num_parameters#
Actual number of model input parameters that should be calibrated.
- Type:
- stochastic_optimizer#
QUEENS stochastic optimizer object.
- Type:
- variational_distribution#
Variational distribution object.
- Type:
- n_sims#
Number of probabilistic model calls.
- Type:
- variational_params#
Row vector containing the variational parameters.
- Type:
- elbo#
Evidence lower bound.
- nan_in_gradient_counter#
Count how many times NaNs appeared in the gradient estimate in a row.
- Type:
- iteration_data#
Object to store iteration data if desired.
- Type:
- verbose_every_n_iter#
Number of iterations between printing, plotting, and saving
- Type:
- get_gradient_function()[source]#
Select the gradient function for the stochastic optimizer.
Two options exist, with or without natural gradient.
- Returns:
obj – function to evaluate the gradient