queens.utils package#
Modules containing utilities used throughout QUEENS.
queens.utils.ascii_art module#
ASCII art module.
- print_banner(message='QUEENS', output_width=81)[source]#
Print banner.
- Parameters:
message (str) – Message in banner
output_width (int) – Terminal output width
- print_banner_and_description(output_width=81)[source]#
Print banner and the description.
- Parameters:
output_width (int) – Terminal output width
- print_bmfia_acceleration(output_width=81)[source]#
Print BMFIA rocket.
- Parameters:
output_width (int) – Terminal output width
- print_centered_multiline(string, output_width=81)[source]#
Center every line of a multiline text.
- Parameters:
string (str) – String to be printed
output_width (int) – Terminal output width
- print_centered_multiline_block(string, output_width=81)[source]#
Print a multiline text in the center as a block.
- Parameters:
string (str) – String to be printed
output_width (int) – Terminal output width
queens.utils.classifier module#
Classifiers for use in convergence classification.
- class ActiveLearningClassifier(n_params, classifier_obj, batch_size, active_sampler_obj=None)[source]#
Active learning classifier wrapper.
- n_params#
number of parameters of the solver
- Type:
- classifier_obj#
classifier, e.g. sklearn.svm.SVR
- Type:
- active_sampler_obj#
query strategy from skactiveml.pool, e.g. UncertaintySampling
- is_active = True#
- train(x_train, y_train)[source]#
Train the underlying _clf classifier.
- Parameters:
x_train (np.array) – array with training samples, size: (n_samples, n_params)
y_train (np.array) – vector with corresponding training labels, size: (n_samples)
- Returns:
query_idx (np.array) – sample indices in x_train to query next
- class Classifier(n_params, classifier_obj)[source]#
Classifier wrapper.
- n_params#
number of parameters of the solver
- Type:
- classifier_obj#
classifier, e.g. sklearn.svm.SVR
- Type:
- is_active = False#
- load(path, file_name)[source]#
Load pickled classifier.
- Parameters:
path (str) – Path to export the classifier
file_name (str) – File name without suffix
queens.utils.cli_utils module#
Command Line Interface utils collection.
- cli_logging(func)[source]#
Decorator to create logger for CLI function.
- Parameters:
func (function) – Function that is to be decorated
queens.utils.collection_utils module#
Utils to collect data during iterative processes.
- class CollectionObject(*field_names)[source]#
Collection object which stores data.
This object can be indexed by iteration i: collection_object[i] but also using the collected fields collection_object.field1.
- add(**field_names_and_values)[source]#
Add data to the object.
This function can be called with one or multiple fields, i.e.: collection_object.add(field1=value1) or collection_object.add(field1=value1, field2=value2). An error is raised if one tries to add data to a field for a new iteration before all fields are filled for the current iteration.
- classmethod create_collection_object_from_dict(data_dict)[source]#
Create collection item from dict.
- Parameters:
data_dict (dict) – Dictionary with values to be stored in this object
- Returns:
collection_object – Collection object created from dict
- items()[source]#
Items of the current object.
This allows to use the object like a dict.
- Returns:
dict_items – Items of the collection object
- keys()[source]#
Keys, i.e. field names of the current object.
This allows to use the object like a dict.
- Returns:
dict_keys – Keys of the collection object
queens.utils.config_directories module#
Configuration of folder structure of QUEENS experiments.
- current_job_directory(experiment_dir, job_id)[source]#
Directory of the latest submitted job.
- Parameters:
experiment_dir (Path) – Experiment directory
job_id (str) – Job ID of the current job
- Returns:
job_dir (Path) – Path to the current job directory.
queens.utils.exceptions module#
Custom exceptions.
- exception CLIError[source]#
QUEENS exception for CLI input.
- exception FileTypeError[source]#
Exception for wrong file types.
- exception InvalidOptionError[source]#
Custom error class for invalid options during QUEENS runs.
- classmethod construct_error_from_options(valid_options, desired_option, additional_message='')[source]#
Construct invalid option error from the valid and desired options.
- Parameters:
valid_options (lst) – List of valid option keys
desired_option (str) – Key of desired option
additional_message (str, optional) – Additional message to pass (default is None)
- Returns:
- exception SubprocessError[source]#
Custom error class for the QUEENS subprocess wrapper.
- classmethod construct_error_from_command(command, command_output, error_message, additional_message='')[source]#
Construct a Subprocess error from a command and its outputs.
- Parameters:
command (str) – Command used that raised the error
command_output (str) – Command output
error_message (str) – Error message of the command
additional_message (str, optional) – Additional message to pass
- Returns:
queens.utils.experimental_data_reader module#
Module to read experimental data.
- class ExperimentalDataReader(data_processor=None, output_label=None, coordinate_labels=None, time_label=None, file_name_identifier=None, csv_data_base_dir=None)[source]#
Reader for experimental data.
- output_label#
Label that marks the output quantity in the csv file
- Type:
- coordinate_labels#
List of column-wise coordinate labels in csv files
- Type:
- time_label#
Name of the time variable in csv file
- Type:
- file_name#
File name of experimental data
- Type:
- base_dir#
Path to base directory containing experimental data
- Type:
- data_processor#
data processor for experimental data
- Type:
- get_experimental_data()[source]#
Load experimental data.
- Returns:
y_obs_vec (np.array) – Column-vector of model outputs which correspond row-wise to observation coordinates
experimental_coordinates (np.array) – Matrix with observation coordinates. One row corresponds to one coordinate point
time_vec (np.array) – Unique vector of observation times
experimental_data_dict (dict) – Dictionary containing the experimental data
time_label (str) – Name of the time variable in csv file
coordinate_labels (lst) – List of column-wise coordinate labels in csv files
queens.utils.fcc_utils module#
From config create utils.
- check_for_reference(obj_description)[source]#
Check if another uninitialized object is referenced.
Indicated by a keyword that ends with ‘_name’. Sub-dictionaries are also checked.
- Parameters:
obj_description (dict) – Description of the object
- Returns:
bool – True, if another uninitialized object is referenced.
- from_config_create_iterator(config, global_settings)[source]#
Create main iterator for queens run from config.
A bottom up approach is used here to create all objects from the description. First, the objects that do not need any other so far uninitialized objects for initialization are initialized. These objects are put into the description of the other objects, where they are referenced. Then again the objects that do not need any other so far uninitialized objects for initialization are initialized. This process repeats until the main iterator (indicated by the ‘method’ keyword) is initialized.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Description of the queens run
global_settings (GlobalSettings) – settings of the QUEENS experiment including its name and the output directory
- Returns:
new_obj (iterator) – Main queens iterator with all initialized objects.
- from_config_create_object(obj_description, global_settings=None, parameters=None)[source]#
Create object from description.
- Parameters:
obj_description (dict) – Description of the object
global_settings (GlobalSettings) – settings of the QUEENS experiment including its name and the output directory
parameters (obj, optional) – Parameters object
- Returns:
obj – Initialized object
- insert_new_obj(config, new_obj_key, new_obj)[source]#
Insert initialized object in other object descriptions.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Description of queens run, or sub dictionary
new_obj_key (str) – Key of initialized object
new_obj (obj) – Initialized object
- Returns:
bool – True, if another uninitialized object is referenced.
queens.utils.fd_jacobian module#
Calculate finite difference based approximation of Jacobian.
Implementation is heavily based on the scipy.optimize._numdiff module. We do NOT support complex scheme ‘cs’ and sparsity.
The motivation behind this reimplementation is to enable the parallel computation of all function values required for the finite difference scheme.
In theory, when computing the Jacobian of function at a specific positions via a specific finite difference scheme, all positions where the function needs to be evaluated (the perturbed positions) are known immediately/at once, because they do not depend on each other. The evaluation of the function at these perturbed positions may consequently be done “perfectly” (embarrassingly) parallel.
Most implementation of finite difference based approximations do not exploit this inherent potential for parallel evaluations because for cheap functions the communication overhead is too high. For expensive function the exploitation ensures significant speed up.
- compute_step_with_bounds(x0, method, rel_step, bounds)[source]#
Compute step sizes of finite difference scheme adjusted to bounds.
- Parameters:
x0 (ndarray, shape(n,)) – Point at which the derivative shall be evaluated
method (string) –
{‘3-point’, ‘2-point’}, optional
- Finite difference method to use:
’2-point’ - use the first order accuracy forward or backward difference
’3-point’ - use central difference in interior points and the second order accuracy forward or backward difference near the boundary
’cs’ - use a complex-step finite difference scheme. This is an additional option in the scipy.optimize library. But: NOT IMPLEMENTED in QUEENS
rel_step (None or array_like, optional) – Relative step size to use. The absolute step size is computed as h = rel_step * sign(x0) * max(1, abs(x0)), possibly adjusted to fit into the bounds. For method=’3-point’ the sign of h is ignored. If None (default) then step is selected automatically, see Notes.
bounds (tuple of array_like, optional) – Lower and upper bounds on independent variables. Defaults to no bounds. Each bound must match the size of x0 or be a scalar, in the latter case the bound will be the same for all variables. Use it to limit the range of function evaluation.
- Returns:
h (numpy.ndarray) – Adjusted step sizes
use_one_sided (numpy.ndarray of bool) – Whether to switch to one-sided scheme due to closeness to bounds. Informative only for 3-point method
- fd_jacobian(f0, f_perturbed, dx, use_one_sided, method)[source]#
Calculate finite difference approximation of Jacobian of f at x0.
The necessary function evaluation have been pre-calculated and are supplied via f0 and the f_perturbed vector. Each row in f_perturbed corresponds to a function evaluation. The shape of f_perturbed depends heavily on the chosen finite difference scheme (method) and therefore the pre-calculation of f_perturbed and dx has to be consistent with the requested method.
Supported methods:
‘2-point’: a one sided scheme by definition
‘3-point’: more exact but needs twice as many function evaluations
Note: The implementation is supposed to remain very closed to scipy._numdiff.approx_derivative.
- Parameters:
f0 (ndarray) – Function value at x0, f0=f(x0)
f_perturbed (ndarray) – Perturbed function values
dx (ndarray) – Deltas of the input variables
use_one_sided (ndarray of bool) – Whether to switch to one-sided scheme due to closeness to bounds; informative only for 3-point method
method (str) – Which scheme was used to calculate the perturbed function values and deltas
- Returns:
J_transposed.T (np.array) – Jacobian of the underlying model at x0.
- get_positions(x0, method, rel_step, bounds)[source]#
Compute all positions needed for the finite difference approximation.
The Jacobian is defined for a vector-valued function at a given position.
Note: The implementation is supposed to remain very closed to scipy._numdiff.approx_derivative.
- Parameters:
x0 (np.array) – Position or sample at which the Jacobian shall be computed.
method (str) – Finite difference method that is used to compute the Jacobian.
rel_step (float) – Finite difference step size.
bounds (tuple of array_like, optional) – Lower and upper bounds on independent variables. Defaults to no bounds. Each bound must match the size of x0 or be a scalar, in the latter case the bound will be the same for all variables. Use it to limit the range of function evaluation.
- Returns:
additional_positions (list of numpy.ndarray) – List with additional stencil positions that are necessary to calculate the finite difference approximation to the gradient
delta_positions (list of numpy.ndarray) – Delta between positions used to approximate Jacobian
queens.utils.gpf_utils module#
Utilis for gpflow.
- extract_block_diag(array, block_size)[source]#
Extract block diagonals of square 2D Array.
- Parameters:
array (np.ndarray) – Square 2D array
block_size (int) – Block size
- Returns:
3D Array containing block diagonals
- init_scaler(unscaled_data)[source]#
Initialize StandardScaler and scale data.
Standardize features by removing the mean and scaling to unit variance
\(scaled\_data = \frac{unscaled\_data - mean}{std}\)
- Parameters:
unscaled_data (np.ndarray) – Unscaled data
- Returns:
scaler (StandardScaler) – Standard scaler
scaled_data (np.ndarray) – Scaled data
queens.utils.import_utils module#
Import utils.
- class LazyLoader(module_name)[source]#
Lazy loader for modules that take long to load.
Inspired from https://stackoverflow.com/a/78312617
- get_module_attribute(path_to_module, function_or_class_name)[source]#
Load function from python file by path.
- Parameters:
path_to_module (Path | str) – “Path” to file
function_or_class_name (str) – Name of the function
- Returns:
function or class – Function or class from the module
- get_module_class(module_options, valid_types, module_type_specifier='type')[source]#
Return module class defined in config file.
- Parameters:
module_options (dict) – Module options
valid_types (dict) – Dict of valid types with corresponding module paths and class names
module_type_specifier (str) – Specifier for the module type
- Returns:
module_class (class) – Class from the module
queens.utils.injector module#
Injector module.
The module supplies functions to inject parameter values into a template text file.
- inject(params, template_path, output_file, strict=True)[source]#
Function to insert parameters into file template and write to file.
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Dict with parameters to inject
template_path (str, Path) – Path to template
output_file (str, Path) – Name of output file with injected parameters
strict (bool) – Raises exception if mismatch between provided and required parameters
- inject_in_template(params, template, output_file, strict=True)[source]#
Function to insert parameters into file template and write to file.
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Dict with parameters to inject
template (str) – Template (str)
output_file (str, Path) – Name of output file with injected parameters
strict (bool) – Raises exception if mismatch between provided and required parameters
- render_template(params, template, strict=True)[source]#
Function to insert parameters into a template.
- Parameters:
params (dict) – Dict with parameters to inject
template (str) – Template file as string
strict (bool) – Raises exception if required parameters from the template are missing
- Returns:
str – injected template
queens.utils.input_to_script module#
Convert input file to python script.
- class QueensPythonCode[source]#
Class to create python script.
- imports#
list with the necessary imports
- Type:
- run_iterator#
list the run commands
- Type:
- load_results#
commands to load the results
- Type:
- global_settings_context#
commands to create the context
- Type:
- code#
list of code lines
- Type:
- parameters#
list of code lines for the parameters setup
- Type:
- global_settings#
list with all the global settings commands
- Type:
- extern_imports#
imports loaded with external python module
- Type:
- create_main#
True if the script should contain a main function
- Type:
- static create_code_section(code_list, comment=None, indent_level=0)[source]#
Create python code section from a list of code lines.
- Parameters:
code_list (list) – list with code lines
comment (str, optional) – comment for this code section
indent_level (int, optional) – indent of this code block
- Returns:
str – code section
- class VariableName(name)[source]#
Dummy class to differentiate between variable names and strings.
- assign_variable_value(variable_name, value)[source]#
Create code to assign value.
- Parameters:
variable_name (str) – name of the variable
value (str) – value to assign
- Returns:
str – code line
- create_initialization_call(obj_description, python_code)[source]#
Create a initialization call.
- Parameters:
obj_description (dict) – keyword arguments for the object
python_code (QueensPythonCode) – object to store the code in
- Returns:
str – code “class_name(argument1=value1,…)”
- create_initialization_call_from_class_and_arguments(class_name, arguments)[source]#
Create a initialization call.
- Parameters:
class_name (str) – name of the class to initialize
arguments (dict) – keyword arguments for the object
- Returns:
str – code class_name(argument1=value1,…)
- create_script_from_input_file(input_file, output_dir, script_path=None)[source]#
Create script from input file.
Keep in mind that this does not work with jinja2 templates, only with
- Parameters:
input_file (pathlib.Path) – Input file path
output_dir (pathlib.Path) – Path to write the QUEENS run results
script_path (pathlib.Path, optional) – Path for the python script
- dict_replace_infs(dictionary_to_modify)[source]#
Replace infs in nested dictionaries with float(inf).
The solution originates from https://stackoverflow.com/a/60776516 :param dictionary_to_modify: dictionary to modify :type dictionary_to_modify: dict
- Returns:
dictionary – modified dictionary
- from_config_create_fields_code(random_field_preprocessor_options, python_code)[source]#
Create code to preprocess random fields.
- Parameters:
random_field_preprocessor_options (dict) – random field description
python_code (QueensPythonCode) – object to store the code in
- from_config_create_parameters(parameters_options, python_code)[source]#
Create a QUEENS parameter object from config.
- Parameters:
parameters_options (dict) – Parameters description
python_code (QueensPythonCode) – object to store the code in
- from_config_create_script(config, output_dir)[source]#
Create a python script from input file.
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Description of the QUEENS run
output_dir (pathlib.Path) – output directory
- Returns:
str – python script for QUEENS
- get_module_class(module_options, valid_types, code, module_type_specifier='type')[source]#
Return module class defined in config file.
- Parameters:
module_options (dict) – Module options
valid_types (dict) – Dict of valid types with corresponding module paths and class names
code (QueensPythonCode) – Object to store the code in
module_type_specifier (str) – Specifier for the module type
- Returns:
module_class (class) – Class from the module
module_attribute (str) – Name of the class
- insert_new_obj(config, new_obj_key, new_obj, python_code)[source]#
Insert new object to the script.
Note that this implementation deviates from the on in the fcc_utils
- Parameters:
config (dict) – Description of queens run, or sub dictionary
new_obj_key (str) – Key of initialized object
new_obj (obj) – Initialized object
python_code (QueensPythonCode) – object to store the code in
- Returns:
config (dict) – modified problem description
- list_replace_infs(list_to_modify)[source]#
Replace infs in nested list with float(inf).
The solution originates from https://stackoverflow.com/a/60776516 :param list_to_modify: list to modify :type list_to_modify: list
- Returns:
list – modified list
queens.utils.io_utils module#
Utils for input/output handling.
- load_input_file(input_file_path)[source]#
Load inputs from file by path.
- Parameters:
input_file_path (Path) – Path to the input file
- Returns:
dict – Options in the input file.
- load_result(path_to_result_file)[source]#
Load QUEENS results.
- Parameters:
path_to_result_file (Path) – Path to results
- Returns:
dict – Results
- read_file(file_path)[source]#
Function to read in a file.
- Parameters:
file_path (str, Path) – Path to file
- Returns:
file (str) – read in file as string
- to_dict_with_standard_types(obj)[source]#
Convert dictionaries to dictionaries with python standard types only.
- Parameters:
obj (dict) – Dictionary to convert
- Returns:
dict – Dictionary with standard types
- write_to_csv(output_file_path, data, delimiter=',')[source]#
Write a simple csv file.
Write data out to a csv-file. Nothing fancy, at the moment, only now header line or index column is supported just pure data.
- Parameters:
output_file_path (Path obj) – Path to the file the data should be written to
data (np.array) – Data that should be written to the csv file.
delimiter (optional, str) – Delimiter to separate individual data. Defaults to comma delimiter.
queens.utils.iterative_averaging_utils module#
Iterative averaging utils.
- class ExponentialAveraging(coefficient)[source]#
Exponential averaging.
\(x^{(j)}_{avg}= \alpha x^{(j-1)}_{avg}+(1-\alpha)x^{(j)}\)
Is also sometimes referred to as exponential smoothing.
- coefficient#
Coefficient in (0,1) for the average.
- Type:
- class IterativeAveraging[source]#
Base class for iterative averaging schemes.
- current_average#
Current average value.
- Type:
- new_value#
New value for the averaging process.
- Type:
- rel_l1_change#
Relative change in L1 norm of the average value.
- Type:
- rel_l2_change#
Relative change in L2 norm of the average value.
- Type:
- class MovingAveraging(num_iter_for_avg)[source]#
Moving averages.
where \(k-1\) is the number of values from previous iterations that are used
- num_iter_for_avg#
Number of samples in the averaging window
- Type:
- data#
data used to compute the average
- Type:
- class PolyakAveraging[source]#
Polyak averaging.
- iteration_counter#
Number of samples.
- Type:
- sum_over_iter#
Sum over all samples.
- Type:
- l1_norm(vector, averaged=False)[source]#
Compute the L1 norm of the vector.
- Parameters:
vector (np.array) – Vector
averaged (bool) – If enabled, the norm is divided by the number of components
- Returns:
norm (float) – L1 norm of the vector
queens.utils.jax_minimize_wrapper module#
A collection of helper functions for optimization with JAX.
Taken from https://gist.github.com/slinderman/24552af1bdbb6cb033bfea9b2dc4ecfd
- minimize(fun, x0, method=None, args=(), bounds=None, constraints=(), tol=None, callback=None, options=None)[source]#
A simple wrapper for scipy.optimize.minimize using JAX.
- Parameters:
fun – The objective function to be minimized, written in JAX code
type (so that it is automatically differentiable. It is of) –
`fun: x, *args -> float`
:param :
`fun: x, *args -> float`
:param where x is a PyTree and args is a tuple of the fixed parameters needed: :param to completely specify the function.: :param x0: Initial guess represented as a JAX PyTree. :param args: tuple, optional. Extra arguments passed to the objective function :param and its derivative. Must consist of valid JAX types; e.g. the leaves: :param of the PyTree must be floats.: :param _The remainder of the keyword arguments are inherited from: :param scipy.optimize.minimize: :param and their descriptions are copied here for: :param convenience._: :param method: str or callable, optional :param Type of solver. Should be one of:‘Nelder-Mead’ (see here)
‘Powell’ (see here)
‘CG’ (see here)
‘BFGS’ (see here)
‘Newton-CG’ (see here)
‘L-BFGS-B’ (see here)
‘TNC’ (see here)
‘COBYLA’ (see here)
‘SLSQP’ (see here)
‘trust-constr’(see here)
‘dogleg’ (see here)
‘trust-ncg’ (see here)
‘trust-exact’ (see here)
‘trust-krylov’ (see here)
custom - a callable object (added in version 0.14.0), see below for description.
- Parameters:
given (If not)
BFGS (chosen to be one of)
:param : :param depending if the problem has constraints or bounds.: :param bounds: sequence or Bounds, optional
Bounds on variables for L-BFGS-B, TNC, SLSQP, Powell, and trust-constr methods. There are two ways to specify the bounds:
Instance of Bounds class.
2. Sequence of
(min, max)
pairs for each element in x. None is used to specify no bound.Note that in order to use bounds you will need to manually flatten them in the same order as your inputs x0.
- Parameters:
constraints –
{Constraint, dict} or List of {Constraint, dict}, optional Constraints definition (only for COBYLA, SLSQP and trust-constr). Constraints for ‘trust-constr’ are defined as a single object or a list of objects specifying constraints to the optimization problem. Available constraints are:
Constraints for COBYLA, SLSQP are defined as a list of dictionaries. Each dictionary with fields:
- typestr
Constraint type: ‘eq’ for equality, ‘ineq’ for inequality.
- funcallable
The function defining the constraint.
- jaccallable, optional
The Jacobian of fun (only for SLSQP).
- argssequence, optional
Extra arguments to be passed to the function and Jacobian.
Equality constraint means that the constraint function result is to be zero whereas inequality means that it is to be non-negative. Note that COBYLA only supports inequality constraints.
Note that in order to use constraints you will need to manually flatten them in the same order as your inputs x0.
tol – float, optional Tolerance for termination. For detailed control, use solver-specific options.
options –
dict, optional A dictionary of solver options. All methods accept the following generic options:
- maxiterint
Maximum number of iterations to perform. Depending on the method each iteration may use several function evaluations.
- dispbool
Set to True to print convergence messages.
For method-specific options, see
.callback –
callable, optional Called after each iteration. For ‘trust-constr’ it is a callable with the signature:
callback(xk, OptimizeResult state) -> bool
- where
is the current parameter vector represented as a PyTree, and
is an OptimizeResult object, with the same fields
as the ones from the return. If callback returns True the algorithm execution is terminated.
- For all the other methods, the signature is:
where xk is the current parameter vector, represented as a PyTree.
- where
- Returns:
res – The optimization result represented as a
object.Important attributes are –
: the solution array, represented as a JAX PyTreesuccess
: a Boolean flag indicating if the optimizer exited successfullymessage
: describes the cause of the termination.See `scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult` for a description of other attributes.
queens.utils.logger_settings module#
Logging in QUEENS.
- class LogFilter(level)[source]#
Filters (lets through) all messages with level <= LEVEL.
- level#
Logging level
- class NewLineFormatter(fmt=None, datefmt=None, style='%', validate=True, *, defaults=None)[source]#
Formatter splitting multiline messages into single line messages.
A logged message that consists of more than one line - contains a new line char - is split into multiple single line messages that all have the same format. Without this the overall
format of the logging is broken for multiline messages.
- log_init_args(method)[source]#
Log arguments of __init__ method.
- Parameters:
method (obj) – __init__ method
- Returns:
wrapper (func) – Decorated __init__ method
- reset_logging()[source]#
Reset loggers.
This is only needed during testing, as otherwise the loggers are not destroyed resulting in the same output multiple time. This is taken from:
- setup_basic_logging(log_file_path, logger=None, debug=False)[source]#
Setup basic logging.
- Parameters:
log_file_path (Path) – Path to the log-file
logger (logging.Logger) – Logger instance that should be set up
debug (bool) – Indicates debug mode and controls level of logging
- setup_cli_logging(debug=False)[source]#
Set up logging for CLI utils.
- Parameters:
debug (bool) – Indicates debug mode and controls level of logging
- setup_file_handler(logger, log_file_path)[source]#
Set up a file handler.
- Parameters:
logger (logging.logger) – Logger object to add the stream handler to
log_file_path (pathlib.Path) – Path of the logging file
queens.utils.mcmc_utils module#
Collection of utils for Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithms.
- mh_select(log_acceptance_probability, current_sample, proposed_sample)[source]#
Perform Metropolis-Hastings selection.
The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is used in Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods to accept or reject a proposed sample based on the log of the acceptance probability. This function compares the acceptance probability with a random number between 0 and 1 to decide if each proposed sample should replace the current sample. If the random number is smaller than the acceptance probability, the proposed sample is accepted. The function further checks whether the log_acceptance_probability is finite. If it is infinite or NaN, the function will not accept the respective proposed sample.
- Parameters:
log_acceptance_probability (np.array) – Logarithm of the acceptance probability for each sample. This represents the log of the ratio of the probability densities of the proposed sample to the current sample.
current_sample (np.array) – The current sample values from the MCMC chain.
proposed_sample (np.array) – The proposed sample values to be considered for acceptance.
- Returns:
selected_samples (np.array) – The sample values selected after the Metropolis-Hastings step. If the proposed sample is accepted, it will be returned; otherwise, the current sample is returned.
bool_idx (np.array) – A boolean array indicating whether each proposed sample was accepted (True) or rejected (False).
- tune_scale_covariance(scale_covariance, accept_rate)[source]#
Adjust the covariance scaling factor based on the acceptance rate.
This function tunes the covariance scaling factor used in Metropolis-Hastings or similar MCMC algorithms based on the observed acceptance rate of proposed samples. The goal is to maintain an acceptance rate within the range of 20% to 50%, which is considered optimal for many MCMC algorithms. The covariance scaling factor is adjusted according to the following rules:
Acceptance Rate
Variance adaptation factor
x 0.1
x 0.5
x 0.9
x 1.1
x 2
x 10
Reference: [1]: pymc-devs/pymc
- Parameters:
scale_covariance (float or np.array) – The current covariance scaling factor for the proposal
accept_rate (float or np.array) – The observed acceptance rate of the proposed samples. This
1. (value should be between 0 and)
- Returns:
np.array – The updated covariance scaling factor adjusted according to the acceptance rate.
queens.utils.metadata module#
Metadata objects.
- class SimulationMetadata(job_id, inputs, job_dir)[source]#
Simulation metadata object.
This objects holds metadata, times code sections and exports them to yaml.
- job_id#
Id of the job
- Type:
- inputs#
Parameters for this job
- Type:
- file_path#
Path to export the metadata
- Type:
- timestamp#
Timestamp of the object creation
- Type:
- outputs#
Results obtain by the simulation
- Type:
- times#
Wall times of code sections
- Type:
queens.utils.numpy_utils module#
Numpy array utils.
- add_nugget_to_diagonal(matrix, nugget_value)[source]#
Add a small value to diagonal of matrix.
The nugget value is only added to diagonal entries that are smaller than the nugget value.
- Parameters:
matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix
nugget_value (float) – Small nugget value to be added
- Returns:
matrix (np.ndarray) – Manipulated matrix
- at_least_2d(arr)[source]#
View input array as array with at least two dimensions.
- Parameters:
arr (np.ndarray) – Input array
- Returns:
arr (np.ndarray) – View of input array with at least two dimensions
- at_least_3d(arr)[source]#
View input array as array with at least three dimensions.
- Parameters:
arr (np.ndarray) – Input array
- Returns:
arr (np.ndarray) – View of input array with at least three dimensions
- safe_cholesky(matrix, jitter_start_value=1e-10)[source]#
Numerically stable Cholesky decomposition.
Compute the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix. Numeric stability is increased by sequentially adding a small term to the diagonal of the matrix.
- Parameters:
matrix (np.ndarray) – Matrix to be decomposed
jitter_start_value (float) – Starting value to be added to the diagonal
- Returns:
low_cholesky (np.ndarray) – Lower-triangular Cholesky factor of matrix
queens.utils.path_utils module#
Path utilities for QUEENS.
- check_if_path_exists(path, error_message='')[source]#
Check if a path exists.
- Parameters:
path (str) – “Path” to be checked
error_message (str,optional) – If an additional message is desired
- Returns:
bool – True if the path exists, False otherwise.
- Raises:
FileNotFoundError – If the path does not exist.
- create_folder_if_not_existent(path)[source]#
Create folder if not existent.
- Parameters:
path (PosixPath) – Path to be created
- Returns:
path_obj (PosixPath) – Path object
- is_empty(paths)[source]#
Check whether paths is empty.
- Parameters:
paths (str, Path, list) – (list of) path like objects
- relative_path_from_queens(relative_path)[source]#
Create relative path from queens/.
As an example to create: queens/queens/folder/file.A .
Call relative_path_from_source(“queens/folder/file.A”) .
- Parameters:
relative_path (str) – “Path” starting from queens/
- Returns:
PosixPath – Absolute path to the file
- relative_path_from_source(relative_path)[source]#
Create relative path from queens/.
As an example to create: queens/queens/folder/file.A.
Call relative_path_from_source(“folder/file.A”) .
- Parameters:
relative_path (str) – “Path” starting from queens/queens/
- Returns:
PosixPath – Absolute path to the file
queens.utils.pdf_estimation module#
Kernel density estimation (KDE).
Estimation of the probability density function based on samples from the distribution.
- estimate_bandwidth_for_kde(samples, min_samples, max_samples, kernel='gaussian')[source]#
Estimate optimal bandwidth for kde of pdf.
- Parameters:
samples (np.ndarray) – Samples for which to estimate pdf
min_samples (float) – Smallest value
max_samples (float) – Largest value
kernel (str,optional) – Kernel type
- Returns:
float – Estimate for optimal kernel_bandwidth
- estimate_pdf(samples, kernel_bandwidth, support_points=None, kernel='gaussian')[source]#
Estimate pdf using kernel density estimation.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples for which to estimate pdf
kernel_bandwidth (float) – Kernel width to use in kde
support_points (np.array) – Points where to evaluate pdf
kernel (str, optional) – Kernel type
- Returns:
np.ndarray, np.ndarray – pdf_estimate at support points
queens.utils.pickle_utils module#
Utils to handle pickle files.
queens.utils.plot_outputs module#
Collection of plotting capabilities for probability distributions.
- plot_cdf(cdf_estimate, support_points, bayes=False)[source]#
Create cdf plot based on passed data.
- Parameters:
cdf_estimate (dict) – Estimate of cdf at supporting points
support_points (np.array) – Supporting points
bayes (bool) – Do we want to plot confidence intervals
queens.utils.pool_utils module#
Pool utils.
queens.utils.print_utils module#
Print utils.
- get_str_table(name, print_dict, use_repr=False)[source]#
Function to get table to be used in __str__ methods.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Object name
print_dict (dict) – Dict containing labels and values to print
use_repr (bool, opt) – If true, use repr() function to obtain string representations of objects
- Returns:
str – Table to print
queens.utils.process_outputs module#
Collection of utility functions for post-processing.
- do_processing(output_data, output_description)[source]#
Do actual processing of output.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary containing model output
output_description (dict) – Dictionary describing desired output quantities
- Returns:
dict – Dictionary with processed results
- estimate_bandwidth_for_kde(samples, min_samples, max_samples)[source]#
Estimate optimal bandwidth for kde of pdf.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples for which to estimate pdf
min_samples (float) – Smallest value
max_samples (float) – Largest value
- Returns:
float – Estimate for optimal kernel_bandwidth
- estimate_cdf(output_data, support_points, bayesian)[source]#
Compute estimate of CDF based on provided sampling data.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
support_points (np.array) – Points where to evaluate cdf
bayesian (bool) – Compute confidence intervals etc.
- Returns:
cdf – Dictionary with cdf estimates
- estimate_cov(output_data)[source]#
Estimate covariance based on standard unbiased estimator.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
- Returns:
numpy.array – Unbiased covariance estimate
- estimate_icdf(output_data, bayesian)[source]#
Compute estimate of inverse CDF based on provided sampling data.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
bayesian (bool) – Compute confidence intervals etc.
- Returns:
icdf – Dictionary with icdf estimates
- estimate_mean(output_data)[source]#
Estimate mean based on standard unbiased estimator.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
- Returns:
float – Unbiased mean estimate
- estimate_pdf(output_data, support_points, bayesian)[source]#
Compute estimate of PDF based on provided sampling data.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
support_points (np.array) – Points where to evaluate pdf
bayesian (bool) – Compute confidence intervals etc.
- Returns:
pdf – Dictionary with pdf estimates
- estimate_result_interval(output_data)[source]#
Estimate interval of output data.
Estimate interval of output data and add small margins.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
- Returns:
list – Output interval
- estimate_var(output_data)[source]#
Estimate variance based on standard unbiased estimator.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary with output data
- Returns:
float – Unbiased variance estimate
- perform_kde(samples, kernel_bandwidth, support_points)[source]#
Estimate pdf using kernel density estimation.
- Parameters:
samples (np.array) – Samples for which to estimate pdf
kernel_bandwidth (float) – Kernel width to use in kde
support_points (np.array) – Points where to evaluate pdf
- Returns:
np.array – pdf_estimate at support points
- process_outputs(output_data, output_description, input_data=None)[source]#
Process output from QUEENS models.
- Parameters:
output_data (dict) – Dictionary containing model output
output_description (dict) – Dictionary describing desired output quantities
input_data (np.array) – Array containing model input
- Returns:
dict – Dictionary with processed results
queens.utils.pymc module#
Collection of utility functions and classes for PyMC.
- class PymcDistributionWrapper(logpdf, logpdf_gradients=None)[source]#
Op class for Data conversion.
This PymcDistributionWrapper class is a wrapper for PyMC Distributions in QUEENS.
- logpdf#
The log-pdf function
- Type:
- logpdf_gradients#
The function to evaluate the gradient of the log-pdf
- Type:
- logpdf_grad#
Wrapper for the gradient function of the log-pdf
- Type:
- R_op(inputs: list[Variable], eval_points: Variable | list[Variable]) list[Variable] [source]#
Construct a graph for the R-operator.
This method is primarily used by Rop. For more information, see pymc documentation for the method.
- Parameters:
inputs (list[Variable]) – The input variables for the R operator.
eval_points (Union[Variable, list[Variable]]) – Should have the same length as inputs. Each element of eval_points specifies the value of the corresponding input at the point where the R-operator is to be evaluated.
- Returns:
- itypes: Sequence['Type'] | None = [TensorType(float64, shape=(None, None))]#
- otypes: Sequence['Type'] | None = [TensorType(float64, shape=(None,))]#
- class PymcGradientWrapper(gradient_func)[source]#
Op class for Data conversion.
This Class is a wrapper for the gradient of the distributions in QUEENS.
- gradient_func#
The function to evaluate the gradient of the pdf
- Type:
- R_op(inputs: list[Variable], eval_points: Variable | list[Variable]) list[Variable] [source]#
Construct a graph for the R-operator.
This method is primarily used by Rop. For more information, see pymc documentation for the method.
- Parameters:
inputs (list[Variable]) – The input variables for the R operator.
eval_points (Union[Variable, list[Variable]]) – Should have the same length as inputs. Each element of eval_points specifies the value of the corresponding input at the point where the R-operator is to be evaluated.
- Returns:
- itypes: Sequence['Type'] | None = [TensorType(float64, shape=(None, None))]#
- otypes: Sequence['Type'] | None = [TensorType(float64, shape=(None, None))]#
- from_config_create_pymc_distribution(distribution, name, explicit_shape)[source]#
Create PyMC distribution object from queens distribution.
- Parameters:
distribution (obj) – Queens distribution object
name (str) – name of random variable
explicit_shape (int) – Explicit shape parameter for distribution dimension
- Returns:
random_variable – Random variable, distribution object in pymc format
queens.utils.random_process_scaler module#
Utils for data scaling.
- class IdentityScaler[source]#
The identity scaler.
- fit(x_mat)[source]#
Fit/calculate the scaling based on the input samples.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- inverse_transform_grad_mean(grad_mean, *_args)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling of the mean gradient.
- Parameters:
grad_mean (np.array) – gradient of the transformed mean function
- Returns:
transformed_grad (np.array) – Inversely transformed gradient of then mean function
- inverse_transform_grad_var(grad_var, *_args)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling of the variance gradient.
- Parameters:
grad_var (np.array) – gradient of the transformed variance function
- Returns:
transformed_grad (np.array) – Inversely transformed gradient of then variance function
- inverse_transform_mean(x_mat)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling transformation on the data matrix.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- Returns:
transformed_data (np.array) – Transformed data-array
- class Scaler[source]#
Base class for general scaling classes.
The purpose of these classes is the scaling of training data.
- mean#
Mean-values of the data-matrix (column-wise).
- Type:
- standard_deviation#
Standard deviation of the data-matrix (per column).
- Type:
- abstract fit(x_mat)[source]#
Fit/calculate the scaling based on the input samples.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- abstract inverse_transform_mean(x_mat)[source]#
Conduct the inverse transformation for the mean.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- class StandardScaler[source]#
Scaler for standardization of data.
In case a stochastic process is trained on the scaled data, inverse rescaling is implemented to recover the correct mean and standard deviation prediction for the posterior process.
- fit(x_mat)[source]#
Fit/calculate the scaling based on the input samples.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- inverse_transform_grad_mean(grad_mean, standard_deviation_input)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling of the mean gradient.
- Parameters:
grad_mean (np.array) – gradient of the transformed mean function
standard_deviation_input (float) – standard deviation of the input data
- Returns:
transformed_grad (np.array) – Inversely transformed gradient of the mean function
- inverse_transform_grad_var(grad_var, var, trans_var, input_standard_deviation)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling of the variance gradient.
- Parameters:
grad_var (np.array) – gradient of the transformed variance
var (np.array) – variance of the untransformed data
trans_var (np.array) – variance of the transformed data
input_standard_deviation (float) – standard deviation of the input data
- Returns:
transformed_grad (np.array) – Inversely transformed gradient of the variance function
- inverse_transform_mean(x_mat)[source]#
Conduct the inverse scaling transformation on the data matrix.
- Parameters:
x_mat (np.array) – Data matrix that should be standardized
- Returns:
transformed_data (np.array) – Transformed data-array
queens.utils.remote_build module#
Utils to build queens on remote resource.
queens.utils.remote_operations module#
Module supplies functions to conduct operation on remote resource.
- class RemoteConnection(host, remote_python, remote_queens_repository, user=None, gateway=None)[source]#
This is class wrapper around the Connection class of fabric.
- remote_python#
Path to Python with installed (editable) QUEENS (see remote_queens_repository)
- Type:
- remote_queens_repository#
Path to the QUEENS source code on the remote host
- Type:
str, Path
- build_remote_environment(package_manager='mamba')[source]#
Build remote QUEENS environment.
- Parameters:
package_manager (str, optional) – Package manager used for the creation of the environment (“mamba” or “conda”)
- copy_to_remote(source, destination, verbose=True, exclude=None, filters=None)[source]#
Copy files or folders to remote.
- Parameters:
source (str, Path, list) – paths to copy
destination (str, Path) – destination relative to host
verbose (bool) – true for verbose
exclude (str, list) – options to exclude
filters (str) – filters for rsync
- create_remote_directory(remote_directory)[source]#
Make a directory (including parents) on the remote host.
- Parameters:
remote_directory (Path, str) – path of the directory that will be created
- open_port_forwarding(local_port=None, remote_port=None)[source]#
Open port forwarding.
- Parameters:
local_port (int) – free local port
remote_port (int) – free remote port
- Returns:
local_port (int) – used local port
remote_port (int) – used remote port
- run_function(func, *func_args, wait=True, **func_kwargs)[source]#
Run a python function remotely using an ssh connection.
- Parameters:
func (Function) – function that is executed
func_args – Additional arguments for the functools.partial function
wait (bool) – Flag to decide whether to wait for result of function
func_kwargs – Additional keyword arguments for the functools.partial function
- Returns:
return_value (obj) – Return value of function
- start_cluster(workload_manager, dask_cluster_kwargs, dask_cluster_adapt_kwargs, experiment_dir)[source]#
Start a Dask Cluster remotely using an ssh connection.
- Parameters:
workload_manager (str) – Workload manager (“pbs” or “slurm”) on cluster
dask_cluster_kwargs (dict) – collection of keyword arguments to be forwarded to DASK Cluster
dask_cluster_adapt_kwargs (dict) – collection of keyword arguments to be forwarded to DASK Cluster adapt method
experiment_dir (str) – directory holding all data of QUEENS experiment on remote
- Returns:
return_value (obj) – Return value of function
queens.utils.rsync module#
Rsync utils.
- assemble_rsync_command(source, destination, archive=False, exclude=None, filters=None, verbose=True, rsh=None, host=None, rsync_options=None)[source]#
Assemble rsync command.
- Parameters:
source (str, Path, list) – paths to copy
destination (str, Path) – destination relative to host
archive (bool) – use the archive option
exclude (str, list) – options to exclude
filters (str) – filters for rsync
verbose (bool) – true for verbose
rsh (str) – remote ssh command
host (str) – host where to copy the files to
rsync_options (list) – additional rsync options
- Returns:
str command to run rsync
- rsync(source, destination, archive=True, exclude=None, filters=None, verbose=True, rsh=None, host=None, rsync_options=None)[source]#
Run rsync command.
- Parameters:
source (str, Path, list) – paths to copy
destination (str, Path) – destination relative to host
archive (bool) – use the archive option
exclude (str, list) – options to exclude
filters (str) – filters for rsync
verbose (bool) – true for verbose
rsh (str) – remote ssh command
host (str) – host where to copy the files to
rsync_options (list) – additional rsync options
queens.utils.run_subprocess module#
Wrapped functions of subprocess stdlib module.
- run_subprocess(command, raise_error_on_subprocess_failure=True, additional_error_message=None, allowed_errors=None)[source]#
Run a system command outside of the Python script.
return stderr and stdout :param command: command, that will be run in subprocess :type command: str :param raise_error_on_subprocess_failure: Raise or warn error defaults to True :type raise_error_on_subprocess_failure: bool, optional :param additional_error_message: Additional error message to be displayed :type additional_error_message: str, optional :param allowed_errors: List of strings to be removed from the error message :type allowed_errors: lst, optional
- Returns:
process_returncode (int) – code for success of subprocess
process_id (int) – unique process id, the subprocess was assigned on computing machine
stdout (str) – standard output content
stderr (str) – standard error content
queens.utils.smc_utils module#
Collection of utility functions and classes for SMC algorithms.
- class StaticStateSpaceModel(likelihood_model, data=None, prior=None)[source]#
Model needed for the particles library implementation of SMC.
- likelihood_model#
Log-likelihood function.
- Type:
- n_sims#
Number of model calls.
- Type:
- loglik(theta, t=None)[source]#
Log. Likelihood function for particles SMC implementation.
- Parameters:
theta (obj) – Samples at which to evaluate the likelihood
t (int) – time (if set to None, the full log-likelihood is returned)
- Returns:
The log likelihood
- logpyt(theta, t)[source]#
Log-likelihood of Y_t, given parameter and previous datapoints.
- Parameters:
theta (dict-like) – theta[‘par’] is a ndarray containing the N values for parameter par
t (int) – time
- numpy_to_particles_array(samples)[source]#
Convert numpy arrays to particles objects.
The particles library uses np.ndarrays with homemade variable dtypes. This method converts it back to the particles library type.
- Parameters:
samples (np.ndarray) – Samples
- Returns:
np.ndarray with homemade dtype – Particle variables object
- particles_array_to_numpy(theta)[source]#
Convert particles objects to numpy arrays.
The particles library uses np.ndarrays with homemade variable dtypes. We need to convert this into numpy arrays to work with queens.
- Parameters:
theta (np.ndarray with homemade dtype) – Particle variables object
- Returns:
np.ndarray – Numpy array of the particles
- calc_ess(weights)[source]#
Calculate the Effective Sample Size (ESS) from the given weights.
The Effective Sample Size (ESS) is a measure used to assess the quality of a set of weights by indicating how many independent samples would be required to achieve the same level of information as the current weighted samples. This is computed using the exp-log trick to improve numerical stability.
- Parameters:
weights (np.array) – An array of weights, typically representing the importance weights of samples in a weighted sampling scheme.
- Returns:
float – The Effective Sample Size (ESS) as calculated from the provided weights.
- temper_factory(temper_type)[source]#
Return the appropriate tempering function based on the specified type.
The tempering function can be used for transitioning between different log-probability density functions in various probabilistic models.
- Parameters:
temper_type (str) – Type of the tempering function to return. Valid options are: - “bayes”: Returns the Bayes tempering function. - “generic”: Returns the generic tempering function.
- Returns:
function – The corresponding tempering function based on temper_type.
- Raises:
ValueError – If temper_type is not one of the valid options (“bayes”, “generic”).
- temper_logpdf_bayes(log_prior, log_like, tempering_parameter=1.0)[source]#
Bayesian tempering function.
It phases from the prior to the posterior = like * prior. Special cases are:
- tempering parameter = 0.0:
We interpret this as “disregard contribution of the likelihood”. Therefore, return just log_prior.
- log_pior or log_like = +inf:
Prohibit this case. The reasoning is that (+inf + -inf) is ambiguous. We know that -inf is likely to occur, e.g. in uniform priors. On the other hand, +inf is rather unlikely to be a reasonable value. Therefore, we chose to exclude it here.
- Parameters:
log_prior (np.array) – Array containing the values of the log-prior distribution at sample points
log_like (np.array) – Array containing the values of the log-likelihood at sample points
tempering_parameter (float) – Tempering parameter for resampling
- temper_logpdf_generic(logpdf0, logpdf1, tempering_parameter=1.0)[source]#
Perform generic tempering between two log-probability density functions.
This function performs a linear interpolation between two log-probability density functions based on a tempering parameter. The tempering parameter determines the weight given to each log-probability density function in the transition from the initial distribution (logpdf0) to the goal distribution (logpdf1).
The function handles the following scenarios:
- tempering parameter = 0.0:
We interpret this as “disregard contribution of the goal pdf”. Therefore, return logpdf0.
- tempering parameter = 1.0:
We interpret this as “we are fully transitioned.” Therefore, ignore the contribution of the initial distribution. Therefore, return logpdf1.
- logpdf0 or logpdf1 = +inf:
Prohibit this case. The reasoning is that (+inf + -inf) is ambiguous. We know that -inf is likely to occur, e.g., in uniform distributions. On the other hand, +inf is rather unlikely to be a reasonable value. Therefore, we chose to exclude it here.
- Parameters:
logpdf0 (float or np.array) – Logarithm of the probability density function of the initial distribution.
logpdf1 (float or np.array) – Logarithm of the probability density function of the goal distribution.
tempering_parameter (float) – Parameter between 0 and 1 that controls the interpolation between logpdf0 and logpdf1. A value of 0.0 corresponds to logpdf0, while a value of 1.0 corresponds to logpdf1.
- Returns:
float or np.array – The tempered log-probability density function based on the tempering_parameter.
- Raises:
ValueError – If either logpdf0 or logpdf1 is positive infinity (+inf).
queens.utils.sobol_sequence module#
Collection of utility functions and classes for Sobol sequences.
- sample_sobol_sequence(dimension, number_of_samples, parameters, randomize=False, seed=None)[source]#
Generate samples from Sobol sequence.
- Parameters:
dimension (int) – Dimensionality of the sequence. Max dimensionality is 21201.
number_of_samples (int) – number of samples to generate in the parameter space
parameters (Parameters) – parameters object defined the true distribution of the samples
randomize (bool, optional) – If True, use LMS+shift scrambling, i.e. randomize the sequence. Otherwise, no scrambling is done. Default is False.
seed (SeedType, optional) – If seed is an int or None, a new numpy.random.Generator is created using
. If seed is already aGenerator
instance, then the provided instance is used.
- Returns:
samples (np.ndarray) – Sobol sequence quasi Monte Carlo samples for the parameter distribution
queens.utils.start_dask_cluster module#
Main module to start a dask jobqueue cluster.
queens.utils.tensorflow_utils module#
Utils related to tensorflow and friends.
queens.utils.valid_options_utils module#
Helper functions for valid options and switch analogy.
- check_if_valid_options(valid_options, desired_options, error_message='')[source]#
Check if the desired option(s) is/are in valid_options.
Raises InvalidOptionError if invalid options are present.
- Parameters:
valid_options (lst,dict) – List of valid option keys or dict with valid options as keys
desired_options (str, lst(str), dict) – Key(s) of desired options
error_message (str, optional) – Error message in case the desired option can not be found
- get_option(options_dict, desired_option, error_message='')[source]#
Get option desired_option from options_dict.
The options_dict consists of the keys and their values. Note that the value can also be functions. In case the option is not found an error is raised.
- Parameters:
options_dict (dict) – Dictionary with valid options and their value
desired_option (str) – Desired method key
error_message (str, optional) – Custom error message to be used if the desired_option is not found. Defaults to an empty string.
- Returns:
Value of the *desired_option*